
I hope as cosplayers get older, they give serious consideration to cosplaying Lwaxana. Because IT IS A THING WE ALL NEED.

Shooting the bird?!? On TV?

Greatest natural poker face ever.

The best look

Google Glass?

No Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson?

A great excuse to plug the current run of the comic. The films had a very different tone, far more 'jolly'. The books are beautiful and melancholic. It's funny that it took Hellboy to die and go to hell for Mignola to really let loose and make the perfect book. You don't need to know anything about the character, just

Well. Now I require another Hellboy movie.

You know who else gets kissed by woman? Closeted Gay people, who want to try to fit in with society, by doing the things that are expected of them. Such as trying to like the opposite sex.

Well it's a parody twitter account

I'm actually confused, is Mario a chub, or a bear?

Yay in general! Marriage is an integral step towards equality and part of achieving that project is normalizing LGBT people through cultural depictions! Yay!

I hope to hell she ended up with the hot dude who actually appreciates EVERY aspect of her.

I disagree, because at the point where it was made VERY clear that his girlfriend would be unhappy in this relationship, it was clear they wanted different things. Its not a relationship when one person is so clearly emotionally distraught and your "dick feelings" take precedence over the emotional pain you are