"Someday my prince will cum."
"Someday my prince will cum."
In 2014, celebrities playing video games is as natural as the sun rising and the earth spinning. But in the 1990s,…
Cara Ellison is a Scottish writer and a veteran war poet of the early 2012 game critic wars. Her medals have stopped at least three bullets in the past, one still residing in her chest. She has written for little rags like The Guardian and the New Statesman, and writes the best-named column in the world (S.EXE) at…
I went to Brooklyn, New York to visit Nina Freeman, who is currently making a game called Cibele. It is an…
If you happened to be in Yokohama yesterday, then you might have noticed something incredibly adorable: a small…
I'd get candy there.
Though all the chatter lately has been about the status of Ghostbusters 3, Variety is reporting that Paul Feig, who…
A new study from researchers at Nottingham Trent University says that playing games in long sessions may have some…
Tokyo ESP is the story of a teenage girl with the power to phase through solid objects and a teenage boy with the…
A cosplayer should never have to physically resemble the character they're dressed as. But man, if they do, it sure…
Right? Put a purple and black controller with it, too. I kinda wish all of my consoles could have huge hearts on them.
I love the design of this console. If this were official (or not thousands of dollars) I'd buy it in an instant.
If you've frequented many gaming message boards, you've probably seen the term "GayStation" tossed around as a cheap…
Some achievements are too easy, at times only requiring players to do mundane things like pressing start. Some…
Ahhh, so thats why I didn't know. I don't watch soccer, don't care about it at all.
you. ugh.
Did I say Pikachu? Sorry, I meant Pikachus. Plural.