
Oh, don't get me wrong; I have no issue with Zubat (Crobat is awesome for some of my favorite tactics, though not as good as of Gen VI) or annoyers in general (I have some great Shuckle builds). But you have to admit, "cave herpes" is a great name for the species.

While I don't think that's a good Batman design, I think the design itself is fucking cool. I would love to have that as an endgame boss in a Final Fantasy game or a high-level armor in FFXIV.

This is Batman from the universe where he decks himself out in high level raid gear from WoW. Shoulders, ho!

i always thought tangela looked like a Fryguy from the OLD ass mcdonalds commercials.

I cracked at "Lower Back Tattoo".

LOL "haunted vagina" fuck me that's gold.

Soon as he said it, the music started in my head...this is going to be a long day.

karma chameleon



Also worth pointing out that every one of those Halo games except for Halo 2 anniversary can be played on other platforms.

I think dolphins singing the Imperial March is a pretty fair trade honestly.