
Diversity of female body types would be nice in general. It's just weird to have people so obsessively focused on her body, rather than how she'll ultimately play the part.

Having Super Powers = you don't necessarily need muscles to be strong. She's roughly the same physique in that picture as the Justice League capture before the jump. People need to drop the "she's not big enough to be Wonder Woman" thing until we see a costume.

Well, we can't see much of her arms or legs in that shot. She could be muscled while still being quite lean.

It's also likely that you'll see indirect crossovers with Agents of SHIELD with Carter finding MacGuffins or leaving some storylines open ended that will resurface in the modern era.

I'm slightly dubious about how much mileage there is in a show so removed (in terms of time period) from the rest of the MCU, but there's no way I'm going to complain at Hayley Atwell getting her own show. Ever since she managed to carry an entire episode of Black Mirror pretty much single handed (and do an incredible

Any story that involves a dynamic process works so much better with a gif that illustrates it. As a recent example from over on the Space subsite, I feel like yesterday's story on coronal holes producing gaps for solar wind is ok with static visuals, but is made stronger by today's gifs of how that wind blows around

So when are GIFs actually useful, in science communication or otherwise?

They'll also have to administer medications, which they plan to hide in cake.

I guess these guys don't count as animation, but I'd put them in my list.

Now playing

If you're going to include "Everybody in [insert name here]" then don't don't bother making a list in the first place. In any case,none can hold a candle to the terrifying T-Rex concept from the Rite of Sping sequence from Fantasia:

Just show them these dudes. I know, not the best example (plus i don't like them music). Still, for a proof that moslem & jew can get along together.

What comic is this? There's an English prof at my school who has seven of these on his doors, and they are all amazeballs.