
Home Depot?

And I'll be the other guy I suppose.

I went through this with both my mum and granddad recently. My granddad in particular was super lucky. He was as fit as a fiddle, no signs of anything, it's only because my grandma forced the doctor to test him "just in case" that we found out he had prostate cancer. For that experience alone I will always check stuff

When i thought i had bowel cancer and had years of embarrassing symptoms, and the drs weren't sure - it turned out i only had an extreme case of Crohn's disease..

Listened to this this morning. Takes a tremendous amount of bravery to come out and talk and open up as bluntly as he did. I would expect no less from in regards to his video game news but for something that personal, man... /hat tip

There is one.

joasdgjk;asgjk;ajk;sgjkasdgjkl;asd TOO CUTE

In space, no one can hear you Multipass.

These marks are pretty darn clever.

I would definitely watch a movie with this version of Cap, love that helmet and curls combo

While these two look absolutely phenomenal as Catwoman and Supes, I can't help thinking that they could brilliantly double as Don Draper and Joan for some 'Mad Men' cosplay!

I know others have answered your question, but here's further embarrassing proof if you were interested :D

I dunno, have you seen Mystery Incorporated? That show is great.

Not sure I understand this one.