
I might choose to put them on at home if an accent is difficult to understand or my dog is making too much noise. But I’d be really put out if captions were turned on in a movie theatre. If a group of deaf movie fans showed up at the time I’d hoped to see a movie, too bad for me. I’ll just have to change my

The majority of American families handle it bright and early every Sunday morning. I wore dresses with pinafores and patent leather shoes to church. This isn’t rocket science.


Thank you for this comment. I know it was an old post, but I appreciate it. I think you speak really well to the misconceptions about this disorder.

I legit love the United safety video because I’m a sucker for Gershwin. They could set a commercial for camouflage trucker hats to Gershwin, and I’d be like, “maybe I need a camouflage trucker hat.”


Amen. During the drought (which is now over in NorCal, woohoo!), we washed dishes using a small amount of cold soapy water. It was a drag. So was flushing the toilet with buckets from the shower.

I would never stop scrubbing my face if he so much as threw a glance my direction. I’d exfoliate until I was bleeding.

The secret to delicious meatloaf is to add really good, seasoned ground sausage to your grass fed ground beef.

The WaPo deserves kudos as well. They’ve been doing outstanding investigative journalism on Trump for months. I just subscribed today for the first time ever, and I’m really glad to be supporting them. I make almost nothing, and I’m happy to spend it on journalism. It seems others are doing the same.

This. Dude lives in Southern California. If he still has even a half-alive lawn in 2017, he’s a piece of garbage.

I’m so sorry about your chronic pain. I hope that someone somewhere develops a product that truly helps alleviate it for you.

I’m so sorry about your chronic pain. I hope that someone somewhere develops a product that truly helps alleviate

It does, yes. It actually gives me no joy whatsoever to be reminded how easily false information can spread.


She’s an international treasure.

This is beautiful

My brother is a vet and learned to chew tobacco in the Army. It was the only way to stay alert all night on patrol in Afghanistan. They couldn’t exactly brew coffee out there. He’s tried to quit for years. :\

Terrific idea! Though I don’t mind vm nearly so much with visual vm plus transcripts. That way at least I don’t have to actually listen to a single god damn message. Select, glance through, delete.

Maybe this is reflective of where I live, but my experiences with Macy’s have been fantastic. The store in my city is newly renovated and gorgeous inside. The customer service is stupendous. They have an ample petite section, and they’re the exclusive source for Style & Co, which makes tops and dresses that are

Yeah, I loved this.