
I think it must be. It’s a sort of inherent selfishness. Which isn’t to say that there aren’t selfish women and unselfish men or that this is a biological difference between the genders. But my mom spent the beginning of her marriage neglected while my father obsessed over computer games and writing a program for

This is my favorite thing about the internet this summer. For seriously.

You’re a human being, so I seriously doubt that there’s not much to know. I’ll be looking for your comments elsewhere. Hope you’re having a great summer.

I’m revisiting this thread due to a notification, and I’m wishing there were a DM feature on Kinja. I’d like to get to know you better.

Oh God. That would have happened to me too. :\ Poor dude.

It’s easy to prep lettuce and chicken for salads on Sundays and then just throw them into a lunch salad tupperware container with some dressing and olives in the morning. Sandwiches are too much work, and eating out is an unnecessary expense.

I find it odd that hats would be acceptable considering it is rude to wear a hat indoors under any circumstances other than a graduation ceremony, unless you mean yarmulkes or turbans.

I think we need to be on guard for the vitriol and misogyny we’ll continue to see in this election and be sure not to let it poison us. The Clintons are reviled for having broken the Republicans’ winning streak in the White House and outdoing them at their own political games. Hillary is both a Clinton and a woman,

What the?

I’m sorry to hear that. My mother and I were weeping, hovered around an iPhone speaker, listening to Bill Clinton, Barbara Boxer, and others speak about Hillary.

I can’t speak to headscarves because I’m not a woman of color and don’t completely understand the unique hair-related needs of women of color. But outside of a laboratory, I’ve never worked anywhere that permitted bare shoulders, open toed shoes, exposed backs, low cut tops, or hats. That is all very, very standard

Thank you. It is a masterpiece with incredible reviews, chock full of allusions for the geekiest among us. I think the only reason Orange is the New Black currently has a higher percentage of positive top critic reviews is that scifi/fantasy shows are rarely taken as seriously as other genres.

Thank you.

No. I wish it were so simple. It isn’t.

Maybe this is my utterly unique position as a daughter of a man and sister of a brother, but no. It is not all men. Patriarchy is a toxicity. It teaches a cultural norm that is against one’s instincts. My brother’s instinct is to love me. My father’s instinct is to love me. Their instinct is to protect me against any

I thank you for your story but am unsure what your point is. Is this ideology not toxic for him too? Is an ideology that convinces a man to hire a contract killer to murder his own child not a toxic ideology? Patriarchy is sick and infects everyone under it.

Her/his comment is amazing. We shouldn’t waste bright people saving American and Afghani civilian lives; what a waste. He or she learned from a podcast that only people who were forced to fight an unjust war or lie for the military are traumatized. Well, I wonder what happened to my grandfather then, because the Nazis

My brother has never in his life been to the Middle East. Which leads me to believe that perhaps you don’t have enough knowledge of this subject to speak on it with authority.

Patriarchy is toxic to society at large, even if some individuals (all of whom are men) benefit in terms of their power, influence, and wealth. If a very powerful and privileged man in an especially patriarchal society feels he has no choice but to behead his daughter for falling in love with someone who wasn’t chosen

Of course. In no way have I implied that it is not. My point is that “I hate men” is not a helpful or correct response. “I hate patriarchy” is what is really meant. I hate patriarchy too.