
Because he has innate skills and an extraordinary intelligence and felt it was patriotic to lend those traits to the US military and perhaps save American lives. He did save American lives and won awards for managing to bring each and every one of the members of his platoon home alive despite serving in one of the

I completely understand. We’ve been through very similar incidents in the last few years, and my brother also refuses to seek therapy for exactly the same reason. It’s so frustrating and disheartening. Hugs back. I wish there were a group for sisters of soldiers.

Totally agree. :)

I hate patriarchy, and I don’t appreciate what bullshit macho norms do to men either. Take, for example, my brother’s anger issues and crippling PTSD following his deployment. Patriarchy is toxic for everyone.

That’s she!! Meredith Eaton.

Maybe they can crush candies instead? Is that a step up? Unclear.

She was an active communist and literal lover of Trotsky during portions of her life. She was born into a privileged home, but her family at times struggled financially. Her mother was Mexican, with indigenous roots, so she may be described as a white Latina, but she was a woman of color. I have trouble getting on

Rage stroke.

I am a fucking idiot. Thank you.

This was so perfectly put. Standing ovation.

I found this endearing. My mom is nearly 70 and actually very technologically hip for a boomer. But I don’t know what the fuck Pokemon Go is, largely because I was too old for Pokemon so I don’t care. To me, this rang very true. I don’t need Hillary to be anything but what she is: a strong, experienced, intelligent

I’m no good at this and will not be of any help. But can I submit a request?

Another commenter told me that story as well. I had no idea. It is certainly disappointing that trailblazers have to expend dramatically more effort than others in their field. It’s unjust. But thank God for her fortitude.

My cousin never attended college. He joined the National Guard young, became skilled, did a one year journeyman electrician program, and now owns his own home (sorry, I mean he put 20% down on a home), where he and his wife are raising a young child. Military deployments present a good opportunity to sock money away,

I’m sorry your point was lost at some point here, but I think your strategy has been very wise. And anyone who can’t believe that a young adult can put a down payment on a home probably lives in New England, DC, LA, the Bay Area, Seattle, etc. I could never afford to purchase anything back home in the Bay Area. But I

I think, as many here have stated, it’s about curating your college plan to your circumstances. My parents are upper middle class, so I did the brochure-style college experience at an expensive, private liberal arts college. I studied STEM. I’m not sure they would have supported my education there if I’d had different

I hope that the ergonomic challenges of mimicking a disability might encourage casting directors to seek talented, differently abled actors to fill those roles instead.

She had a recurring role on Boston Legal. I’ve also seen her on Law and Order, and I think she’s had other, more regular parts on shows I just happen not to watch.

:) Thanks for sharing that!

Love it. :)