but isn't that a small price to pay to keep your breasts locked away from those who might not appreciate them fully?
but isn't that a small price to pay to keep your breasts locked away from those who might not appreciate them fully?
One of the many moments where I promptly had to press 'pause' and weep copiously, calling my sister for some emotional support, before I was capable of continuing.
The man's no Bowie, but he tried, bless 'em
Nicely done my friend - I'd say you come out on top this round
You're a bit of a worrier, pet! ;)
That is cynical but it's also not easy to declare something a new species. I wouldn't worry too much about overstressing how endangered something is.
... No. Please no.
I'm not sure if I missed the joke but just in case this actually is someone who has digitally erased Brad Pitt from the scenes. At least according to the empire tweet I saw this morning
What fool hates this movie?
I have to admit I found it less enthralling and somehow . . . flat. In fact, if I was honest, I might even say I didn't really enjoy it. But I love Discworld so that can't be right.
I've just finished 'Dark Eden' by Chris Beckett and MAN was I disappointed! It just doesn't really end, other than with a bit of a shrug and a 'oh well, human nature, eh?'. I felt so frustrated for something that, at the beginning, looked like it was going to deconstruct the Eden tropes.
Not to make light of a terrible situation, but in scanning the page I read this headline as "Humans become unwilling virgins" first of all.
Exactly - when they brought in Cy and he was WORSE you realised that Al may be a bastard, but he was your bastard.
Well break out the tinned peaches ;-)
No but my Indian chief head can see
I think the true testament to his conversion is in the requiem for a gleet storyline where you're praying for him to recover and start scheming again to save the camp
In truth, and forswearing such loquacious answers that others might be prepared to give, being as they are not viewing this topic on such a mobile device as I do, and so far be it from me to include a picture, but it is clearly the fact obvious to all that the answer to your question is the delightful Mister Al…
That's totes how it happened.
That's like asking if early computers were overpriced. Doing something for the first time costs a lot of money, but as you learn from the process you refine and cheapen it.