Oh thank god.
Oh thank god.
We're getting digital penis? That's pretty cool. Even if it is in a non-sexual context.
I have two younger sisters and the way I worked it was I befriended them on every social network site they were on (which led me down the tumblr rabbit hole). By watching over them I felt a lot happier about it, and I was able to talk to them in person when I felt worried.
Damn son, I'd fund that.
I don't get why anyone would want to DoS attack an indie game company. So petty.
Actually with god-mode invoked this was a great game. Absolutely stunningly beautiful and worth days and days of play. The building of your crew and flotilla is still one of the most detailed executions of that mechanic I've seen in a console game.
Awesome. I was always tempted by their F&F system and their games. I adore my 360. I might now enjoy the Bone too.
Actually that's a good point! Has anyone discussed the security benefits of a box who knows who its owner is?
So I'm suddenly buying a next gen console . . .
Well one does one's best ;)
I can't see myself buying an XBone and unless the PS4 is easier to develop for than the PS3, or there are more interesting studios allowed to develop for the PS4, I'm going to delay in buying that one too.
Ironically because they heavily pimped out their backwards compatibility with Xbox titles.
Thank you for bringing this into my life. It is the greatest use of the gif I have ever seen.
I'm trying very hard not to lol at this
How old are you? Go sit on the naughty step for that number of minutes and come back when you're ready to apologise.
I'd support this game on principle, but platforming, dirty futures, beautiful character - I am all over this.