hahaha. I thought the same thing. Like there was a Most Wanted poster hanging in the cashiers office and as soon as he purchased their tickets she called the cops.
Hhahaha! Right? No, but Christians say convicted as in “convicted in the spirit” as in, your conscience starts getting you. Or, what they really believe, is that the holy spirit “convicts” you to reveal some sort of sin in your life. I guess, the ‘ol HS wasn’t cool with this Holy Land place.
[tips fedora][wonders why I’m wearing a fedora][rips fedora off head, vows to pay more attention to head]
Still a better love story than Twilight.
YES mackenzie!
i loved the Lost formula: you got a DUI? oh you bet your ass you’re going to get killed off.
Isn’t that what happened with the Ana-Lucia and Libby characters on LOST? They both got DUIs or something and got killed off because they were “trouble.”
or, in the case of British TV, they leave to pursue misguided film careers
to his credit, George Jason Alexander posted this on twitter
You’re history’s greatest monster.
embarrassing cheering is literally the most important part of graduation ceremonies.
At my sister’s graduation, my family befriended the family behind us and teamed up so they helped us cheer when she went on stage and we did the same for their son. I recommend it as a tactic for all who want to be heard.