WhatsHerFace HasTiredOfTheGreys

This just makes me so sad how difficult it is to obtain an abortion in one of the “easier” states. I live in Canada and had one about 6 years ago. I called and made an appointment, went the say it (ignoring protesters out front), has an ultrasound, then had the procedure. That was it - my appointment was at 9, I was

I had giant ears when I was really little (which I thankfully grew into) and my parents called my Dumbo because of them :(

Holy f*ck! ACTUAL useful advice from Yoko?!

No Oprah, RUN!!!

We totally watched the verdict in my grade 5 class, probably just because my teacher wanted to see it.

When I was in high school, my youth group at church did the 30 Hour Famine challenge, where you you basically don’t eat anything and you stay at the church all day and night for moral support. So we were playing games and stuff in the hall/gym and one of the youth leaders said we could put on our CDs instead of the

I totally did a spit take when I saw that.

Same here, though mainly because she’s from my town :D


I live about 20 minutes away from Niagara Falls (Canadian side). While the Falls themselves are pretty breathtaking, everything else in the tourist district is overpriced tourist kitsch. The rest of the town is fairly poor and rundown and not particularly attractive. As a local, it is not somewhere we would really

Visiting a friend’s cottage is a rite of passage here in Canada

ADD is not an adjective, Lance :(

Omg, Kim Kardashian has gotten to you too, Sam Smith!

Masterchef Jr is amazing! Those kids blow the pants off of the adult Masterchefs. And I’ve never seen such a kinder Gordon Ramsay.

Meeeee tooooo! Save me from the greys, Jia!

Honestly, in my 1st year Medieval and Renaissance Civilizations class (also a context course), the prof gave a warning when were about to venture into the realm of Islam and the Middle East. :/

Does anyone else think this makes the right sound like an actual cult? Which is probably not too far-fetched.

Arrrgghhh, you got me! And I had such good words too! Damn, you’re TOO good at this :P At least I got to practice my shutting down skillz :)

I’m going to speak as the Canadian I am, this is what I have observed about your country, specifically those with right-wing beliefs: