WhatsHerFace HasTiredOfTheGreys

Could be ingenious.

Though really, is Scientology is considered a religion, then I’m pretty sure actual science has a pretty good claim.

I love this and I’m really interested is seeing how this plays out. If there’s religious freedom, then there is freedoms those practicing ALL religions not just yours Fundamentalists.

I think he can’t just make a whole mass of changes (heehee, pun) without a mutiny from the old school popes/Catholics, so I think he is gradually rolling out changes.

I know, that was my first thought. I’m going to check Fox News to see how they’ve spun this (I’m going some variant on the War on Religion). Come rescue me if I don’t come back.

I’m not even Catholic, but Cool Pope makes me WANT to become Catholic, and MY MOM is Catholic. I just want to have him be my pope.

Especially when it’s more often than not War BY Christians.

It’s admittedly been a while since I attempted to purchase something on the site, usually sadly pushing cancel once the shipping amount came up. I tried to do a quote as well but no luck, so I started to process an order and their shipping is actually reasonable now! $8.25 for a $10 tea strainer to Niagara or $24.23

I always really wanted to order from ModCloth but their shipping charges are so goddamn expensive to Canada :(

They are all now indoctrinated into the Gay Cult

That’s where they store the truth so no one ever finds it.

Honestly, it sounds like old white Conservative men would be the best boyfriends ever.

When I was 8, we drove from St Catharines, Ontario to Myrtle Beach Right. In. The. Middle. Of. A. Hurricane. We narrowly managed to get into the hotel and run right before the back window of the car blew in.

Is it terrible that I automatically assumed it was some sort of menstrual cup?

Well to be fair, I wouldn’t want my children influenced by someone like this with whom they spend 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, 10 months of the year with :/

They should’ve probably put some of these on their registry:

I accept this burn.