WhatsHerFace HasTiredOfTheGreys

What the hell is a “heritage” garden hose?!

Yeah it’s some truly awful bs.

I was upset because my 5 year old found it on the front porch. I had to answer some tricky questions I was not prepared for :/

Yeah, I got the same email when I emailed to complain about the postcards too

Pretty sure #4 is Kurt Cobain.

Just...don’t read the comments on the site.


As soon as I read the headline, I was like, “That’s gotta be Florida.”

I’ll have what she's having.

First off - it makes me so sad that you only went to the hospital once as a kid die to lack of insurance. Being in Canada, I take it for granted that I don’t have to worry about that. I’ve been to the doctor twice in the past week - I’m back on Tuesday. Both my husband and daughter have been to the doctor in the past

Also, keep in mind that the among the reasons she didn’t win custody in the first place was the fact that she had to be asked repeatedly to put her ex’s name on their daughter’s birth certificate and that she tried to alienated the kids from their father.

It’s sad all the way around. Unfortunately either way they lose a parent and get shuffled away from friends. Poor kids :(

I was at Comic Con in Niagara Falls in 2013 and Adam West was one of the guests. I’m too poor/don’t care enough to pay to wait in line for his autograph. I tried to take a pic of him from about 10 feet away but he sicced a security guy on me to shut it down. So I went to the next table and took a pic of David Prowse.

In other news, I’ve discovered the joys of trolling the comments section on the FoxNews site. This is my new favourite hobby and it is AMAZING :D

I made it half-way through. I thought it would get better. I’m embarrassed with myself you guys.

Remove the Leafs jersey from the gif and it would be the best gif ever :)