WhatsHerFace HasTiredOfTheGreys

“It’s just a major breach of trust,”

I think it’s a great idea because fuck your regressive sexual mores.

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

I really really hate these kinds of stories. Wouldn’t it be better all around for kids to be fed and able to learn instead of shamed and/or starving?

No school lunch ever looked like this.

Kendall was once pregnant with Scott’s baby, but she sacrificed it to the Seven Gods of Calabasas. Scott’s baby is now in Kylie’s womb, and it will remain there until she too decides to send it back to the Great Seven, who will then consume its soul and grow even more powerful.

why in the fucking world would I want to watch a TV show about this awful thing.

He is ok, bit annoying and not a superstar at all (was shocked he got that gig in US). Brit’s who don’t like him don’t like to see a fat working class lad do well IMO.

Corden is funny and self deprecating and a good guy. I like him!

What you doing in here, Kris? Don’t you have some momaging to do?


Oh he’s definitely a subscriber:

“And if you pause here, you can actually see his heart break.”

I can’t believe how inappropriate the school has acted, and is continuing to act, by telling people the kid has “bad character.” Look in the fucking mirror, dickbags.

The story about the cancer-free anniversary “date” is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever read. That’s some Ralph Wiggum/Lisa Simpson shit right there.


All of Utah has rallied around her, and she’s made some very feminist public statements. Say what you want about the LDS church, but this girl has become her own woman, with her own voice.

Elizabeth Smart is fucking badass. Congrats, girl.

Ah, motherhood, the real prison