Oh good grief. Good luck in life.
Oh good grief. Good luck in life.
I regret that I have but one star to give for this comment!
I wish I could star your comment a million times because you speak the absolute total truth.
You don’t get to the the arbiter of what other people should or shouldn’t do. As The Dude says, “that’s just, like, your opinion, man.”
“You don’t have to like it. Or even read it. But you chose to and now have had the chance to have your own temper tantrum about it” Which is exactly what you can say about your issues with photos of children. Ignore them. Block the offending parties. Be an adult and act like one.
You seem nice
It grosses me out. I totally get that as women we’re pressured to have kids and childfree people do catch some unfair flack and it might make them a bit cranky, but the whole “I HAAAATE children, keep your disgusting little bags of snot off my newsfeed” attitude is immature and reeks of overcompensation. You can…
I think my favorite is the oft-made claim that anyone who considers children human beings, or has any amount of empathy at all for children or parents, must OBVIOUSLY be a mother. Unless my dogs count, I’m not a mother, and I’m not ever going to be one. I just realize that children are actually people too, and that…
Something about children brings out the absolute worse in some people—they don’t consider them human, and they get very, very angry that they’re required to exist in a world that includes them and doesn’t take constant pains to keep them segregated from the “real” human beings. See also, half the comments on the…
THANK YOU. I have no idea what that other commenter’s problem is. I post pictures of my kid on my social media pages and *GASP* have even posted pictures of her here on Jezebel! I really don’t understand the outrage.
Eh, a friend of mine is documenting her first baby’s first weeks pretty extensively on Facebook, and I’m LOVING it because I adore babies. Other people I’ve Unfollowed because I wasn’t interested in their drinking pictures. It depends what you like.
I can read just fine, including the fact that your temper tantrum about why people shouldn’t ever post pictures of children in public because other people shouldn’t have to be subjected to them only changed to “protecting the children” once as you got called on what a bizarre position it is.
You’re seriously asking me why people use social media to share their lives with friends and family? If that’s too difficult a concept for you to grasp, I don’t think I can explain it to you.
By the same token, I don’t understand why people think pictures of children are something shameful that need to hidden away. The world doesn’t need to see the great majority of pictures posted on Facebook, and most people don’t choose whether or not to post photos of themselves, their families, and their lives on…
That really drives how purely this is about bullshit “modesty” culture (which is just another word for rape culture). It has nothing to do with the actual child’s body—just as you say, your daughter’s body is only considered wanton and slatternly when people realize she’s a girl. The exact same body is perfectly…
I got side-eye because my baby girl (which you could only tell because I’d stuck her in these stupidly cute pink, ruffled, flower-print swim bottoms) didn’t have a shirt. I put her in the equally stupidly cute green bottoms with elephants and everyone at the pool is all smiles for my handsome little man.
I don’t personally find bikinis inappropriate. There are pictures of one of my sisters in a cute little bikini thing from when we visited Florida. I’m fine with it - kids are not in any way sexual. Hell, we have pictures of us naked in the bath (I’m sure many people do), and that’s not sexual or problematic either.
Personally? I agree with most of your gist. I’m of the “euro” mindset when it comes to swim wear. But I got reamed on here once for saying that a toddler in a bikini wasn’t inappropriate. So I guess when I say appropriate here, I mean she’s entirely covered up while still in a swim suit? Idk. Interenetting can be hard…
Oh a kid that age though, I’m wondering, what kind of suit would NOT be appropriate? I feel like kids that age can be naked at the beach and you see that all the time and it’s like “meh.” So would a bikini not be ok? Because it’s “revealing”? What is there to “reveal” on a really young kid’s body?
That kid is so cute it’s not fair. Her blonde hair blue eye combo is like perfection. Not only that, her suit is completely appropriate. That hand on hip pose is pure sassy-pants behavior. I bet she takes dance class or something, because that's a totally normal pose for young kids...cause it's easy. Puh-leeeaze...