
“She goes, ‘Listen to me, you’re going to regret this for the rest of your life if you don’t take this gift and just live in the moment.”


No, see here’s the thing. When you have power in a workplace and you “ask to consensually masturbate” someone can’t actually give proper consent because they risk losing their job if they say no.

I fucking hate the “Mental Health” excuse shit. Not only is it demeaning to people who do actually suffer mental health problems and aren’t just domestic abuser thugs but they always go “every country has the problem”.

I went to this church just so I could say “hi” to Chopin’s heart. Not sure that’s the appropriate response, but it’s the one I had.

The people who own LipSense are hard-core Trumpies. Just so’s ya know.

I live in the suburbs and all this shit is everywhere. Its almost inescapable.

I wish someone would write an article about the new wave MLMs that target mom. Every mom I know now sells something (LulaRoe, Scentsy, Norwex, Pampered Chef), the shit just goes on and on.

I don’t really care if it’s technically a pyramid or not, the idea of making women keep $20K of product in their homes so they can peer pressure other people into buying it, is criminal in and of itself. Most people aren’t that good at selling and at some point you’re going to bleed your tap dry of people to sell to,

If its easier to pick up an AR-15 than a library card ITS A FUCKING GUN SITUATION you thick fuck

It’s so exciting to find out! My family has been calling the kiddo Cornbread which is definitely a nickname that’s going to stick, but it’s really cool to think that she has an actual name now. Have your girls been hoping for another sister or for a brother??

I lost my cat July 2014. She was fine (well, except for having cancer) on Sunday and eating and drinking and using her box and cuddling and climbing up on the bed. Monday she ate a teeny bit but was cuddly and purred in my lap. Tuesday she didn’t eat at all, couldn’t drink, and peed herself. I called the vet after I

I’ve been off the sauce for almost 2 weeks & I’m feeling really good so far. Just wanted to say that if any of my fellow jezzies need some motivation to quit drinking, I definitely recommend the stopdrinking subreddit. Great community there & lots of the stories really hit home for me.

Woohoo! That’s amazing! I haven’t had a mammogram yet (still in my late 20s), but I really really hate getting Pap smears, so I have a tradition—the Pap burger. Any time I have to get a Pap or other pelvic exam, afterwards I get a bacon cheeseburger. It’s pretty much the only time I get a bacon cheeseburger, and I’m

A little lighthearted personal news: I found out today that the kiddo I’ve been growing for the last few months is a girl! We got to do the spooky 3d ultrasound and she has my nose. I’m so excited I could pop!

Buster is home! I picked him up this morning.

How was everybody’s week?

Thats... unreal. I have truly never read anything that disturbing. Shit like that makes me think “Is this the way men really think??” Which is disturbing in and of itself. Satire or not, words like that shouldn’t exist in print.

I’m sorry but I actually had to stop reading this article. I found their own gleeful descriptions of their actions to be so repulsive. Who found this type of writing palatable or interesting. Being a self absorbed asshole in a country where you hold enormous power to violate impoverished girls sexually doesn’t strike

Yeah that happened to me in the beginning of 6th grade.