
Here is the reality of this scenario:

Super agree. I have been on seven flights with my youngest. She is 11 months old. I did not want to go on any of those flights. Just hard to get back home from the Children’s Hospital when it’s 10 hours away. Yup, super fun vacations for open heart surgery. First time I flew with her she was 9 days old. I’d had a c

Wow, you’re really stretching there. In my case it would be because my daughter has half a heart and gets tired sometimes. There’s no way for you to know that. And it shouldn’t be hard for me to give her a break. I shouldn’t need to worry that someone will think my tired, pale kid is abused.

Wait, what? If I put my older kid in a stroller it’s a sign of abuse? What are you going to do - call the authorities on me? Weeeeeird. 

Heart kids like mine should still get to enjoy the playground even though they might need a little help with the walk home later. They aren’t completely unable to move. They just tap out a little sooner. 

That is not why I homeschool though. I love teachers. My kids will go back to public school next year. Not sure about my baby. It will depend on her health at school age. 

I used to judge strollers, but now I have a kid with a heart condition who might need one for longer ventures at that age, but you wouldn’t be able to tell from looking at her that she isn’t healthy. 

Lord, I wish I had a picture. On the first day of high school I wore a bright orange peasant top, bell bottoms with a plaid pattern in a variety of bright colours - pink, turquoise, orange, yellow, etc., a BELLY CHAIN, and chunky blue suede platform sandals. And let me tell you, I fucking loved that outfit.

My baby would be one of the constant beepers. Her oxygen sat is 75%. I’m so used to beeps that it doesn’t even phase me. She sleeps right through it. Ha. Those hospital beds suck. I think about that and my kid is really sick. Don’t feel guilty. It’s a situation that is hard on everyone. Hope little one is all better

Not particularly exciting, but after a year and a half of on again, off again, but mostly on again and definitely on at the time - he started something with my best friend. I found out afterward. He did that thing where he just became a total dick so I’d dump him because he was too chicken. This was shortly before

The real trick is finding non-hideous clothes for your postnatal body. At least my pregnant body had a solid little bump. Now all I have is a deflated skin bag. 

My sister is heading into her third year and she’ll be 38 tomorrow. She appears to have embraced the youths. Ha. She’s married with two kids so her life is really different from the other students. And I do think she was shocked at first. But it’s sorted itself out I think. She’s made some friends. I guess it’s not

My email:

Yeah, once your baby is 3-4 months and starts grabbing shit, it is truly game over for blankets. So I figure there’s no point in bothering in the first place.

I thought I followed you. I'm sure I did. Effing thing regularly messes up my follows. Will find you again! 

Every two day schedule is what worked when I actually tried to get pregnant. Those ovulation tracking apps don’t work for everyone. Best of luck to you! 

Lord, what a summer. Two emergency medical flights to Vancouver with my wee baby - one near death open heart surgery, one stent via catheter. My hair is probably all grey under this dye. Currently trying to psychologically navigate the world of parenting a sick kid. I’m not doing well tolerating stupid people. They

No flack from me. It switched to formula with my first for similar reasons. My second took masses of work for two months. My third has been bizarrely easy to feed and she has major health issues. Every baby and circumstance is different. You’re doing awesome. Pumping is for the fucking birds. I have to do it when

Obligatory fuck everyone who doesn’t vaccinate their kids and instead allow them to spread diseases that could easily be fatal for my child who can not be fully vaccinated. Fuck your health privilege that allows you to get away with it while I have to sit in a hospital and hope to hell my kid makes it out of the OR.

I don’t care when or if people have babies and this is a three year old comment. You need some help.