
This is my second baby like this so I’ve tried all the tricks. The only thing that settles her is car rides. Would do that but I have a 6 and 8 year old as well. I’m thinking of trying her stroller in the house. We have a large open main area. It might work. Although it means I have to pace about. Oh well.

Nope. I have my two other kids here, but I don’t think they are up to the task. :P I have good friends in town, but they all have their own families. There’s nobody who can really be here regularly at 2am. That’s the trouble. With my last colic baby I didn’t feel bad about walking away for two minutes. But I really

Well I survived my first month as mum to a chronically sick kid. This is rough. Weekly hospital visits, worrying about surgeries, and now she’s colicky and her screaming turns her blue and sweaty and her poor misshapen heart is just thumping. I’m completely crushed every time she starts crying. My husband started back

I had a baby 3.5 weeks ago. At 39 weeks we found out she had a heart defect. I was promptly put on an air ambulance to the best hospital. While there I suffered a complete abruption and had a crash c-section. My daughter was whisked away with a team of cardiologists. She was diagnosed and treated. We spent several

That’s the plus side of homeschooling - nowhere to be in the morning. But I do have to teach them. Ever thankful that I prepped all the curriculum in the summer. We are usually awake 11pm to 3am. Freaking babies.

Doing well, thanks. I’m incredibly sleep deprived, but that’s to be expected. Ha. Little one is growing well, which is awesome because lots of babies with her problem aren’t able to breastfeed. Getting her oxygen checked on Tuesday.

Hello babby. This is my babby. I’m sue she would say hello as well. If she could.

Oh, we didn’t pay for that flight! Our costs have been mainly hospital parking and food for my husband. Nothing major in the slightest. That’s just what I was thinking about on that weird plane ride where I got to lie down on a gurney - what if I had to make sure my insurance would cover it? What if I just had no

I have thought of this every step of the way. My god, even the plane ride down here was several thousands of dollars.

Oh, so much emphasis on the joy of being in Canada. They whisked us off to one of the top children’s hospitals in the country. We had a lovely stay in the NICU. We have a full team of cardio specialists who will work with us continuously over the next 18 years. They even come up to our city to do regular clinics so

Yes, I’m somehow doing fine. We haven’t been able to go home yet, but we did get to leave the hospital. Hopefully home later next week. Baby’s oxygen levels are around 95% and they are anticipating the first surgery will need to happen in 4-6 months. Until then, she’s just like any other baby.

Well I had a baby ten minutes before Monday was over. The placenta decided to rip itself away from my uterus in some sort of attempt to kill us both. That was the least fun I’ve ever had, but fortunately my intuition brought me to the hospital an hour earlier.

Aaaahhh...this is a burn of the highest order.

Ours was like that too. Nobody lives anywhere near us. We opted to get married where my mum was living because it would make it easier for some of our friends who had limited funds (we were pretty young). But almost everyone in the family had to travel and I can’t say I was too sad that it kept the guest list down to

Pretty much all our holidays for the past decade have been weddings. But I don’t mind because I like my family. It’s Toronto this fall! Wheee. Probably be closer to 4-5k with all the plane tickets for everyone.

I got my version of fruit juicy hair this week. I would share but for some reason I can’t share pics on here anymore. Very irritating. 6 days left until baby arrives. I just want to eat and sleep.

I will never forget her name. She’s incredible. 11! Some people are born to speak and she’s one of them. Very glad she got to use that platform today.

I have done a whole lot of nothing. Let’s call it a big week for self-care in the form of baths and books. My husband is doing the nesting. He has accomplished a lot. Ha.

My husband’s boss has a closet like that in one of his several homes. We stay there when we are in Vancouver. It’s very depressing because it’s way bigger than my bedroom and all he ever wears is a blue t shirt and jeans.

We got the big kids moved and baby’s room is empty. So that’s something! Tomorrow we’ll set up furniture. I did the baby laundry. I’m half way hospital packed. So I guess we’re mostly ready. I’m just doing everything so slowly. I max out at 20 minutes for any task and then I just have to sit. Baby is chilling so low.