April 14th! I had my first one week early so in my mind I’m planning for the 7th. Hoping for a nice and easy second trimester
April 14th! I had my first one week early so in my mind I’m planning for the 7th. Hoping for a nice and easy second trimester
Haha I know he’ll be good no matter what but still would like a boy. Mini Pie waffles between if she wants a brother or a sister and this is it for us so she’s going to have to be happy with whatever she gets. Honestly I think she’s going to be more disappointed when she finds out we didn’t really name it Rainbow…
Yay! And same - due in April! We had a scan last week and it was crazy how much it was moving without me feeling it (yet)
YAY! I’m so glad it went well. Hopefully being back in there wasn’t too traumatic for you. And now you have lovely good feelings in that room to help.
Yaaaaassss! Congratulations!!
That’s amazing! I hope you get to enjoy it!
Oh, for peat’s sake. Would it have kilt them to walk?
I believe that children are supposed to be rescued by the Knight Bus, not the Hogwart’s Express. This is not canon, and I think they should return the family to the highlands until they can work out a more lore-friendly rescue system.
Good thing it wasn’t a strike week. Then the railway would’ve been closed and they’d have to be rescued by the Hogsmeade Replacement Bus Service.
Did they also explain to him that they’re not islands inhabited exclusively by virgins?
Maybe the trick is to convince Trump he is ONLY president of the US Virgin Islands.....
So like, what? Now he’s supposed to know geography?! You people just want him to do everything !!1!!!
It’s even worse!
I’m Canadian, and I admit that my US geography knowledge is truly terrible. But even *I* knew this. I’m quite sure most 5th graders in the US know this. How does the occupant of the White House not know this?
The partying is the thing that got me fired up the most. They had better find some actual stories of racial discrimination in the system BECAUSE IT DOES EXIST or this series is just going to reinforce some ugly, entrenched beliefs about poor people.