
I agree with most of the comments here about parenting, will add though not a gangsta, I ran pretty hard before I had kids, I knew I wasn’t ready for parenthood and waited til I was over 30. When I had kids I stopped doing things that could get me in trouble and put the kids first.

What purpose exactly is Jezebel trying to serve with this series? I’m honestly wondering. They fail to realize that the victims here aren’t the parents, have never been the parents. The victims are the children. And in every. single. story in this series the children have been properly served by protective services.

Are you for real? It’s not classism to think that a family who shows up with absolutely nothing - no stroller, no carseat, nothing to transport the baby in, are being negligent. ‘I’m sure they’ll do better next time’ isnt good enough where kids are concerned. that’s the point of these stories.

I’m not too fond of hearing these slanted sob stories from parents who beat, negelcted, abused their children and the big ole mean CPS ruining families. CPS does everything in it’s power to keep the kids in the home, and aren’t just taking kids away for shits and giggles. Sorry, but if you refuse to get help for your

These cases are once again making me wish we had the childrens’ perspectives on the situation. I’m reading this and wondering how long a child should remain linked with an incarcerated parent, especially if others are stepping in to be their parents. Childhood lasts such a short time, how fair is it to children to

I just don’t understand this stuff.

I was adopted as an infant, but know my biological family and I totally agree.

Usually I see this post too late to comment, but I am enraged by it every week. My mom’s story would sound exactly like this, that she was a good mom and every external force in the world separated us - it was my dad’s fault, it was the neighbor’s fault who reported her, it was my fault for telling my teacher I didn’t

I’m an adult now with a good life, but I was a child with a mother like the women in these stories. She was stripped of her parental rights by a Midwestern state in the early 90s. I don’t know how much you all know about the Midwest, but for my home state to decide that a woman was not fit to parent, her behavior had

“On more than one occasion, his foster mother told me that he got depressed after visits and acted out by being disrespectful or breaking his possessions. Those were little signs, she told me, that “maybe the visits aren’t such a good idea.” I felt that if he were allowed to see me more often, then it would not be so

I absolutely love her. I didn’t realize until listening how thirsty I am to hear smart people on the mic for once.

She is just the best. She’s so smart and lovely.

Sometimes I wonder how many actresses get called “Difficult to work with” or “Divas” after rebuking sexual advances.

Bobby, the incredible, brilliant, incandescent Emma Thompson has something to say (Full 11 minute interview here.) She ties Trump into it, too.

Bobby, I care more than enough for the both of us about Zachary Quinto and his boyfriend’s possible engagement. They are gorgeous individually and together, and they love their dogs. Let me have this, OK?

Trump would cut off his own face to spite Obama’s legacy.

Trump defaulting on payments, no surprise there then.

This is not a ghost story, but a horrible human encounter. This happened about 4.5 years ago:

Let this be the first and only joke of its kind.

A racist, sexist, ignoramus with early-onset dementia gets elected President of the United States.