
What the fuck is this advice?? I feel like this column is written as a joke. ?? Of course tell the wife. Telling the letter writer not to blow up their marriage is absurd, the A. Hole already did that. She doesn’t have to be an asshole about it but Jesus Christ, tell the wife. She’s a mother and deserves to know the

I agree in that I would definitely want to know, because if I later found out months or years later I would feel like such AN IDIOT and a fool. Id want someone to warn me in advance and keep me from finding out way later than hyperanalyzing months or years of the marriage and his lies (what was real vs what was not)

it’s not difficult—you tell the wife so she can go get tested to make sure he didn’t give her an STI.

I can not believe you would accuse the letter writer of blowing up a marriage, if she were to tell the wife her husband was cheating. She would not be the one ruining the marriage, the shitty cheating husband is to blame for that.

Absolutely 100% tell the wife. Is this advice even serious?

I can’t think of other situations in which you are allowed to blow up another person’s marriage, but I’m sure our commenters can come up with some.

I can’t think of other situations in which you are allowed to blow up another person’s marriage, but I’m sure our commenters can come up with some.

No. No you do not blow up a marriage that you are not a partner in, ever, unless someone is being physically or mentally abused.

Am I wrong in kinda wanting the girl who used to date A-Hole to absolutely nuke his marriage? I mean, how else will he learn anything??

If I were mrs hole I would want to know. Better to know before having more kids/spending more time with him.

I disgree with not telling the wife. Mainly because if he’s cheating on her with letter writer - who is to say he is not cheating on her with someone else? My advice to letter writer would be inform Mrs. Hole and also, get yourself tested. He’s introducing elements into their relationship without her consent and she

I noticed the silly underwear as well, but I just assumed that the penis would hypothetically go through that little slot thingy. You know, the one that’s designed for the express purpose of extracting your penis? Do guys not actually use those things???

Everyone who’s ever received a blowjob while standing up and dressed knows you pull your underwear down all the way, you don’t just bring your junk up over the elastic band.

Just because you can’t fellate to this doesn’t mean no one can.

Why is she wearing a wedding dress for an engagement photo?’s hard to be sure.

They are just prostateing themselves before God.

Pffft... That photo blows.

There is a vas deferens between this and your standard wedding shot.

I find it quite scrotesque.