Just need to point out that, once again, white dude killing dozens of innocent people, but the “Muslim Ban” is what’s going to keep us all safe.
Just need to point out that, once again, white dude killing dozens of innocent people, but the “Muslim Ban” is what’s going to keep us all safe.
For years these motherfuckers have been trying to tell me that rap concerts were dangerous
In case anyone hasn’t thrown up yet from horror, this should do it::
In lieu of thoughts and prayers, please give blood: http://www.redcross.org/give-blood
Okay good!
You mentioned property taxes in another thread. My in-laws live on a $2+ million property in Langley, and currently pay about $500/month in property taxes.
If you’re out in the Valley, one thing you can do is convert some of your property to farm use (which has very minimal requirements), and save a bu bunch…
If you have kids that age, you aren’t extremely young yourselves. Don’t live for the future. Live for the now. Nobody is guaranteed a future. Shit happens. Spend time with your husband now. It won’t be the ideal place to live in but your husband has a job he enjoys, with a boss who respects him (not to be taken for…
Unless you see amazing opportunities for the kids, I’d say stay. You cannot replicate the relationships you have with your neighbors and won’t you and your husband be stressed out without your peaceful nature / slower pace of life outlets? The support from excellent relationships while dealing with little kids,…
Nah. Stay. And I say this as a city person.
Not to be obnoxious or anything...but I’m getting married tomorrow!! Eeeeeeeeeee!
That looks awesome, sorry piggies but you are delish.
Can I be super greedy and start two threads? Because I’d love to do a preggo thread as well.
You know you’ve fucked up big time when the happiest man on earth is pissed off with you and your shit-talking.
A ______ has more political engagement, empathy and logical thinking skills than our current president.
A Kardashian has more political engagement, empathy and logical thinking skills than our current president. That’s where we are at right now.
Trumps schedule for the weeekend was released last night. It only had 1-hour dedicated to PR on Saturday, and nothing on Sunday. It’s sad, that he used that hour to tweet, instead of focusing on providing relief to the American Citizens of PR.
This man is a cancer, a malignant tumor leeching off of this country.
I grew up in a town that is predominately Russian,Spanish and Puerto Rican. So many people I know have no idea how their relatives are doing in Puerto Rico. They are worried to death about them and Are desperate to get them help anyway they can. It is disgusting to see the way Trump is treating Puerto Rico at this…
Have we finally hit bottom? It feels like there is no way farther to go. I don’t want to be a drama queen but this is just pure evil in the flesh