General Kelly is in an eternal state of job regret.
General Kelly is in an eternal state of job regret.
I didn’t watch the Emmy’s last night but I saw this on Buzzfeed along with a lot of audience reactions and Melissa McCarthy’s face was definitely mine.
This is direct threat and nothing will happen to him. He is also provoking North Korea. Welcome to Sundays.
I hope you feel better soon. I was able to sit up and eat breakfast today, instead of lie in the couch nibbling crackers. It will happen for you, too!
The first trimester exhaustion is real. I just wanted to lean against whatever surface was available near me and zzzzzzzzzz forever. That was the worst, I couldn’t shake it. I hope your second trimester starts soon!
Hmmmm, has she ever had her thyroid hormones checked? You guys should consider that. I’m glad she’s okay now though. I sprained my ankle about 10 days ago and the week was spent in a cast, resting and wanting to do stuff but not being able to. So, a different kind of stress :/
Hey now — you’re building a human! A friend once told me when she was pregnant that it was the most productive she’d ever been while doing absolutely nothing. “I’m pretty sure I made an eyeball today... and I didn’t even leave the couch!”
Happy Saturday folks!!! I’m a sometimes commentor, big time star everything haha but I wanted to share that yesterday my mom passed her citizenship interview and exam! I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
BoyPenguin and I built a bed platform today. We stain it tomorrow. It’ll get us off the floor, which we’ve our mattress has been on since we broke our last bed platform. And yeah, we broke it exactly the way you’re thinking one breaks a bed platform. ;)
I was getting worried about tonite’s SNS.
I can not believe that my cross stitch is on here.
UGH. As a city parent, I cannot overstate the importance of corner stores to healthy communities. Corner stores (we don’t really call them bodegas and the owners are usually Palestinian) serve as the grandmas for the neighborhood. The corner stores keep an eye out, and they sweep the sidewalk, and they lend you a…
put much better than i ever could
I don’t get how a 6 pack of toilet paper or a hot bacon egg and cheese on a roll will fit through the vending machine slots.
99% of tech startups now-a-days are just fancy versions of things that already exist.
You’re a weak person who should stay out of cities, then.