the circle is complete.
the circle is complete.
then you cant have sex im sry
I mean, probably, but he just oozed of sleaze from the get-go and immediately after winning set up an online shop. Plus, he’s a calling himself Dr. Abs, which no one called him on the show, and he’s a chiropractor. It’s gross.
Ugh I want so much more for Rachel, but Bryan whyyyyy
I give Rachel and Bryan about the same time frame. Maybe 6 months tops.
I remember being a middle school cheerleader and I was one of the few girls who could do the splits. My art teacher found this out and thought it would be a stellar idea to force me (threatening me with a detention for insubordination when I initially declined) to sit in a front split for 20 minutes so that my…
As a former high-school female cheerleader back in the 70's, I can confirm that splits are:
1. Something you need to work your muscles into over a period of time
What he’s missing is that it doesn’t have to be Wonder Woman OR Sarah Connor— we can have BOTH. They’re completely different women, because there isn’t just one type of woman, and the idea that we can only have one archetype of feminist icon is fucking stupid.
Be careful. That’s how you summon them into your home.
It sounds like the nightmare I am going to have for reading this headline.
I hope they take really great photos of the theater full of clowns. For me to burn.
Okay, I actually am in a polyamorous relationship, and have been since about 2001, and I can tell MVP that there’s actually a term for the bullshit her boyfriend is pulling. It’s called “Relationship Broken? Add More People!”, and it refers specifically to the kind of person who thinks that polyamory is a solution to…
Dear MVP,
Has MVP’s boyfriend met a specific person he wants to sleep with hence he’s come up with this? I would probably think so...
Actually, when he looks up at the sun like that, it isn’t harmful at all, because his head is so far up his ass.
Oh great, now he’s blind and we are going to nuke the sun.
World’s most depressing job?
As you note, Arnold has never been what one might call a progressive. He has some pretty toxic beliefs, in my opinion. So for someone like him to make a video like this speaks volumes about just how messed up things are in the US right now. I’m gonna go ahead and say something I never thought I would say: “well done,…
The goal is to eliminate having to wash towels every day because no one knows which towel is theirs.