
Oh Lord Help US. CNN has a reporter in Guam stating that people in Guam think that if they are struck by a missile they think they will all die and the reporter states, “IT IS NOT TRUE! Experts say that if you’re in your house find the center of the house, If you’re at the beach find a cave. Be prepared, it can save

Remember when we couldn’t elect Hillary because she was a hawk who would start wars?

He couldn’t find Guam on a map of Guam.

I wonder if Donald Trump knows that Guam is part of the United States, and that its people are American Citizens. You know, like, if they chose to move to California that wouldn’t make them immigrants.

And it’s kind of became official, I bet, 45 doesn’t know what Guam is.

For those of you too young to recognize the impotent dread you’re feeling: Welcome to Cold War Fear Redux. Yes, you’re going to feel this all the time now. No, there’s no refuge.

So you clearly missed the whole part where 20+ hot guys fought after her and now she’s engaged.

Uh, I’m a white dude, and I told my spouse during the show (probably one too many times) that Rachel was one of the most beautiful Bachelorettes I can remember, and she stood out during the Bachelor season, too.

quite frankly it doesn’t seem like many men find rachel to be that good looking.

How anyone would pick Bryan after meeting his mother is the real question here. Anyone marrying that guy is setting themselves up for a monster-in-law experience.

Instead of being annoyed with the finale, I will just look at this picture of the happy couple that I actually care about.

The look on Peter’s face when Rachel said that she and Bryan will have time to have their relationship grow while they are engaged was a all time great moment, definitely didn’t help people who were saying that Rachel wasn’t doing this just to get a ring.

“Go find someone to have a mediocre life with.”is the sentence I will use in all future breakups from now on.

I’m in love with his yarmulke matching her dress. A++ elderly couple cuteness.

generally accepted as one of Hollywood’s most adorable couples

A male feminist walks into a bar

I think I’ve figured out the code: If you give a guy a boner, you’re “curvy.” If you don’t, you’re “fat.”

Also, this.

I love you anyway.

As a “curvy” chick (honestly, I like to just call myself a fat girl but people take such issue with that) I’m honestly turned off when a guy makes a big deal about being into curvy girls. I like all types of body types on a dude and I’m not making a point to fucking shout it from the rooftops.