
The Democratic Governors Association released a statement.

Yeah, but luckily he has no business dealings with Russians or anything...

Color me shocked that a billionaire coal man from the South is a republican.

All I see when I see that top picture and the article quotes is the “family values” evangelical from Parks and Rec.

I laughed audibly at the part about “no-fly zone, what are you gonna do.” That’s a four hour drive, dick. Call a fucking uber.

Yup. We in the military have an obligation to refuse orders that are “immoral, illegal, or unethical.” If Adm. Zukunft believes that the orders he is being given to discriminate against his service members violate that criteria then he can absolutely push back on them.

Even the military can legally defy orders they believe to be illegal and take the matter to court, at the very least tying it up in litigation until post- Trump.

This is a perfect, platonic example of how a principled leader should act. Plus, the “her family is the Coast Guard” part...That should be an example to us all.

“Her family is the United States Coast Guard. And I told Taylor, ‘I will not turn my back...”

They were usually pretty kind to each other, but they were funny with their “overall experience” ratings which was all you would really see them give. “I’m giving her wedding a 4/10. She looked so beautiful, the food was awesome, and I had the most fun ever. However, it was hot during the ceremony.”

I suck at twitter but need to make the effort to for her. We live fairly close and were going to try to get together. I miss her here very much.

I know I’m in the minority, but I’m fully on the Macaulay Culkin is hot train. Had a crush on him since he was Karen’s(?) lawyer on Will and Grace...

Given what shite he probably pumped into his system before now smoking a few fags is probably still healthier.

Well, that’s certainly true. I wish I could remember the article i read, (The Atlantic? The Post?) where a reporter detailed how the national political press has started to function as a kind of Confessional corps for folks working in the White House. It was remarkable.

Of course he did. Why would he waste time on a little non-event like the birth of his child when he could have a front-row seat to an aspiring fascist dictator indoctrinate children?

One might argue that since he was with Trump, he was with his baby at the time. His big, 70-year-old toddler of a baby.

I’m starting to think he’s just a glob of Trump’s bronzer that achieved sentience.

I wish Mrs. The Mooch and her baby well. And by “well”, I mean her lawyers take the Mooch to the cleaners and never look back. Leave him with nothing but his foul mouth and vile reputation.

Well, this event is a microcosm of the morality of this Administration. There may be a time and place for someone not to attend such a birth — in the middle of the Cuban Missile Crisis, for example. But for a Boy Scout jamboree? No.

I mean this makes perfect sense to me. The child is no longer unborn, so he no longer cares