Nah, this isn’t scotch tape. It’s double-sided fashion tape like I use to keep my ta-tas in place. He has boob tape on his tie.
Nah, this isn’t scotch tape. It’s double-sided fashion tape like I use to keep my ta-tas in place. He has boob tape on his tie.
They are already in Maryland! :D
Wow. That’s insanely cool.
The pictures and stories of all the women traveling are filling my heart with so much needed happiness. My cousin’s convoy made it safely to Maryland. I’m going to be attending a local rally here in BC (the other Columbia). It’s international! We’ve got your backs!
And so I vomit.
Yes. That is when I will be turning on my tv. My cousin is going down with convoy from Canada. I am there in spirit!
If you had a pet bear you could solve all your problems. Call Wyoming. I hear they have extras.
Goddam, I love the ratties. Look at their wee little hands.
Yeesh. Chickens are one thing, but who keeps a rooster in a place like that?
Cats are already a thing anyways.
In Canada we are allowed to keep Canadian house hippos as pets. They are a smaller variety though.
Goddam, I am laughing maniacally.
Well, we are sure getting ripped off with just CBC. Although when I lived in Toronto I did manage to pick up ABC once in a while with the ears. It was always fuzzy, but somewhat watchable.
I live in Canada. I got CBC with rabbit ears.
ETA: Did you all really get all those networks for free or something? Or did it cost less? Do you still have that?
Oooo...I can’t do that. But I do binge read every night and finish books quickly.
I have zero feelings on this subject because Will & Grace aired in the years that I didn’t have cable. I might have seen one episode once.
All these loser animals should take lessons from cockroaches. Someone get the cockroaches a twitter account.
I’m kind of into a Hunger Games fight-to-the-death scenario. Liberals love that Darwin survival of the fittest thing, right?
Do eagles have bootstraps?
That blew my mind.