
We are supposed to have sun on Monday in PG. Maybe the same for you? I totally get the feeling. It’s been a mix of rain and flurries. I have a hot chocolate going right now. I just want hot drinks and books.

By the end of tomorrow night, it could be Christmas! :P Haven’t had my wine yet. It’s chillin’...out maxing, relaxing all cool, etc.

If my sister was only forty minutes away (omg I wish), I’d go just to hang with her while she got a few stitches on a cut. Does he have n okay relationship with his sister? I remember dating this guy years back who had a weird family dynamic and he couldn’t understand my wanting to actually see my parents and siblings

This may not be the case, but I couldn’t drive for over a decade because of epilepsy and could basically lose my license again any time if I have a seizure. Not always that simple.

Seriously not okay. :/

Omg that’s amazing.

This is so bad, but I got the pecan thing from Paula Deen. You just mix pecans with brown sugar and heavy cream and pop them on a parchment lined baking sheet in the oven for twenty minutes. They are amazing. Yes, pastry bottom and crumble topping. New recipe for me. Fingers crossed it goes well!

Yay! That was me and I have no problems with hijacks! So glad you found your new friend!

A must!

Oh, I’m really truly sorry. All parents should get a magic wand we can just wave to make things better. :(

I live to confuse Americans, so this is very gratifying. :P

I also live in a pickup world (although I drive a Yukon myself). We got our first snow yesterday. Devastating.

Ooo! Cakes! A craft I can kind of do! My younger daughter’s 5th birthday is in two weeks. She is having a Star Wars theme party, so I decided to go space for the cake and just plunk a Darth Vader on top. Just seems less fussy. I bought all my materials today, complete with pink glitter candles.

I put skinless chicken thighs in a pot and browned them and then tossed on a can of cream of chicken soup (this dinner is dedicated to 1977), some portobello mushrooms chopped up, a few splashes of white wine, and fresh sage. On rice with steamed broccoli. It actually tastes good and it’s got that warming thing going

The worst.

Looks like home to me! My husband is down there now too. puppy can sit when asked! That’s about all she can do when asked, but at least she’s trying.

Omg the cyst pain! The cyst pain!

Oh, totally. I think that would be tougher to discuss with a much younger sibling. I’m just sitting here thinking about my parental strategy. Sad that we need one for this scenario.

You know what? I think if this comes up with my kid, I might just be straight with her. Tell her it’s a derogatory name for her vulva and that this man thinks it’s okay to grab women there and let her draw her own conclusions. She knows that’s wrong. She already calls him Donald Poop anyways.
