
Definitely something to be thankful for this year. I will be watching with my Canadian turkey and pumpkin pie. But I’m hoping I don’t have to explain to my kids what pussy means. Maybe if it comes up they will just think the conversation is about cats.

You know this means there’s going to be mention of pussy grabbing at the debate. Omg.

Eww. Warm bananas. I like bananas. But warm dessert bananas can gtfo.

They put a code yellow on all our schools this morning and parents are acting like there was shooter hunting down children all over town. Two dumbasses posted a meme last night. That was it.

Dab? Back to google for my elderly self.

I’m voting no. It sounds cool, but at some point that kid is going to have to do an elementary school acrostic poem of her name and z word adjectives are in short supply. She’d have to be zany. And what if she’s not zany? Then she’d have to get really creative. “Zebra fan” or “Zoo member”.


Seriously excited. It’s Canadian Thanksgiving, right at dinner time. We are going to sit together with our turkey and pie and buckets of wine and watch the debate and be thankful we live up here. :D

This cheers me up a bit. This week I learned that my kindergarten boyfriend is pro-Trump. Heart shattered. But yay for your mom. You should make her a cake or something. Does Hallmark make a card for this yet?

You are correct - this is an incredibly unpopular opinion.

I have a bag of my FIL’s finest, but I’m scared to try it because I don’t know what it will do to my anxiety. I’ve heard mixed reviews on that. But maybe it’s worth a shot. I hate taking painkillers. Haven’t yet found one that doesn’t make some other body part angry.

The one thing I always worried about was career choice. It’s taken me a good 15 years to realize this, but I am a largely impulsive person. I didn’t think too much about getting married, having babies, buying a house. I just did them. Sometimes on a whim. Ha. But damn, that career thing has always eluded me and I used

Thank you for all that info. I’ll add it to our homeschool agenda this week. Want the girlies to know what’s up in the world of religion. And I think we can do some self-reflecting and goal-setting of our own. Don’t have to ask me twice to eat sweet things.

Yes, our winters are looooong. I really want tulips because I know they do well up here. Maybe I’ll just do it tomorrow and see what happens. :P  

I assume it’s possible, but I lack a doctor who actually thinks this is a big problem. In a town with nobody to actually do surgeries, this would fall very low on the priority list. :/ I’m going to go see my doc again this week. I remain unconvinced that I’m not in early perimenopause. There’s just all sorts of weird

Holy crap, green leaves! I just realized I haven’t taken proper fall pics yet and soon the leaves will gone. Thanks for the reminder.

Am I allowed to steal your holiday? I could use a pick me up and our Thanksgiving isn’t until next weekend. I know very little about Jewish holidays and would love to hear all about this one. AJW seems to imply that apples and honey are involved. I have local apples and honey sitting on my counter. This seems

Oh, I like this thread theme. I know nothing about gardening. I put stuff in the ground and cross my fingers. We are already below freezing with risk of snow. Should I have planted bulbs already?

Recurrent ovarian cysts are going to make me lose my mind. Birth control is not an option because of my higher risk of blood clots. Right now I’m feeling like reaching up there and ripping out my right ovary with my bare hands. A baby came out of there. Surely this is possible.

It might be that I’m just delirious with the beauty of this fall day, but that poster deal is actually tempting. Would frame and hang over my piano for inspiration.