There are plenty of us who fit neither stereotype.
There are plenty of us who fit neither stereotype.
So I definitely encounter these people, but in my neck of the woods most of us have kids with standard names, dress and style kids in a standard fashion, vaccinate (even the flu shot!), and EVEN have two incomes. I fully recognize that I am privileged to be able to help my kid who was struggling. But I'm not a hippie…
My homeschool kids get dropped off at their activities. There’s sports, dance, PE at the Y, Girl Scouts type stuff, music lessons, science class at the museum, art class at the gallery. They also run around the neighbourhood with the public schooled kids and you wouldn’t know the difference between them. My older…
Excuse me? Selfish? I have a kid with a debilitating anxiety problem. She doesn’t speak at school. She has a hard time even moving. That is why I homeschool. She did a year of public school and it was a disaster. The school was simply not equipped to handle her. So I gave up my dream of a career to teach my kids and…
I homeschool. For now my kids are very young (kindergarten and grade 2) and my broad university education (including some teaching courses) is enough to provide them with what they need. When they are older we will add in-class electives and distance education learning with an instructor. Strange to assume a kid won’t…
I don't get the missing feelings until night 3. So maybe it just wasn't long enough?
I did 11 days without mine last month and I was bawling when I finally got to see them again. 7 weeks? Gah.
There it is.
*insert grumpy cat image here*
I turned it off. These dudes are SO BORING. And I can’t do the “is that Chase or is that Jordan?” thing anymore.
No, did she really say that? Lol.
Seriously. This is unbelievable. Unbefuckinglievable. Just so awful that I can't imagine anyone would say it. And than so insanely inaccurate at the same time. Does he not know world history? Aaaahhhh!!!!
Yeah, this is weird to me.
That tie is painfully blue, tbh.
That awkward moment when you interrupt somebody to brag about how humble you are...
The towel charms you absolutely need are going to cost so much more!
Where did you read this? It's not what I've read at all.
Oh yeah, no judgment from me either way. No worries. Our vet said with this kind he wouldn’t personally do it with his dogs. So that’s something. If we had treatment here and the vet thought it was a good plan, I’d consider it. We are just going to focus on packing in the fun. A doggy bucket list of sorts. We took her…
We can’t do chemo in this town. We’d have to drive ten hours away. So I don’t think we have that option, but honestly I don’t think my dog would choose it. She’s hating every second at the vet! I think we’ll just take it day by day.
Yeah, we are already decided that we aren’t going to treat it. She’s been at the vet a ton this month (they thought it was just an abscess behind her eye at first), and she’s hated every second. She’s a rottie too! Vet tells me they are very cancer-prone. We have a camping trip planned for a week from now. That’s…