
That sounds just the same! 18 months! We are fully not expecting that. It's already waaaaay bigger than it was even a week ago. Seems to be spreading pretty rapidly. :/

I like the candle on top. We were going to do a big 10th birthday thing for her in January (yes, we are those kind of people), and now I'm thinking we will do it early. So we will need a birthday cake. And maybe party hats for her fur siblings.

It is. I’ve never lost a pet like this. With my others it was either some sudden accident thing or they got super old and one day just couldn’t keep going. To have an otherwise healthy and energetic dog get something like this...she’s not going to turn 10. I can’t believe that. We took her for a walk today and she was

She's eating a lot of salmon skin right now. Fish bacon?

I don't like to be on display so we didn't do formal first dances or father/bride stuff. Everybody just danced the first dance all together.

So my dog has cancer. I’m assuming. We get the biopsy back in a few days but looking at the X-rays with the vet - I don’t see what else it could be. She’s 9. That doesn’t seem old enough to me. She still runs around like a puppy. But the cancer is in her jaw so at some point she just won’t be able to eat any more.

I love that his proof is that two thirds of smokers don’t die from smoking related diseases. I’m sorry, is there another habit I can pick up that has over a 30% chance of killing me? I guess alcohol if I take it really seriously.

I'm stealing this.

I seriously can't handle Trumpence. Everything about it is funny.

Oh dear. I hope they are okay. The waiting is so awful. Hugs to you.

Goddam you guys. We had a friend over there with a bunch of her students. They were at the event, but they are okay. Scared the crap out of me while I sat and waited for a response.

This big list of scary awful things and my body only reacted to “Bud light lime”. Shudder.

I actually like “lucky”. Because in so many instances it's the truth. Lots of people work hard and don't get ahead. Blessed means some god creature decided you were worthy of better than all the people in the world who have been dealt a shitty deal. It's awful.

:( I’ll wish the best for you.

I have bears and moose roaming through my neighbourhood, and I don’t love it. But I don’t know - they’ve always just strolled away. Gators are just so...creepy. I guess it's what you are used to.

I just got some bad news from my vet and right now I hate everybody who uses the word blessed. We are all going to die and everything we love will die too. We are fucked. We are not blessed.

Ugh. I had a local lady on the Facebook trying to convince everyone that feeding the bears was helpful. This is like that. The opposite of helpful.


Like I don’t care if they only run into one burning building in ten years. That’s still one more than I’ll run into.

I love this series. Love it. I’m not an alcoholic. I rarely drink anymore. But my life is full of alcoholics in my family and my husband’s family and this is giving me so much insight. My BIL’s wife has a particularly bad time of things. And she’s a mean drunk. She’s never nice to me. But thinking about it from this