
The specialist in Vancouver probably works with them. It’s kind of a small community. I know the clinics and the main doctors here, and in the states, and in the UK. So I figure if she hasn’t heard of them and I haven’t heard of them, they probably don’t exist. Canada is veeeeery behind everyone else when it comes to

No, I WISH I lived in Vancouver. I would not be having any of these problems. I'm ten hours north of there. There are no people that specialize in SM near me. Vancouver is the closest. And we saw the woman who is the expert there as much as we could and still my kid has not improved. :(

You should let our provincial government know. Lol. They seem to think it’s fine. Up until a few years ago even the cancer patients had to go to Vancouver for treatment. Thankfully they’ve fixed that. Now it’s only *some* of the cancer patients. All of the kiddos though. Basically if there’s something seriously wrong

Thank you. I think my problem is that I’m dealing with limited resources because of living in a more isolated place. Occupational therapy and all that good stuff is very hard to come by, especially once kids are school age. I know it will be okay I’m the end. Hard not to worry when I’m already anxious myself though.

My kid is comfortable with nobody. Ha. But if I could get a psychiatrist to provide a scrip that way, she might get to the point where she IS comfortable. Definitely something I will ask about when we see the ped.

Oh, Lordy no. Maybe it works that way in big cities. I don’t know having never been a kid or had a kid in one. We do not have school psychologists where I live. There’s one for the whole district and to be honest, I’m not even sure I believe that person exists. I don’t know anyone who has managed to see him/her. We

Yes, that was me. Good memory. I’m still in the process of normalizing myself after that whole thing. I had myself right worked up before this appointment. My worst nightmare is she ends up going through something like that one day. And she's starting off far worse than I did already. Hugs to your kiddo. Panic attacks

Ten hours drive, one way. That’s how we saw the psychologist. It was exhausting and we spent ten thousand bucks on travel just for that. I’ll do it if I have to do it. We do have a place we can stay in Vancouver now, so that reduces the costs some. Flights are ridiculously expensive. I just don’t really want to do it

To get a diagnosis of SM you have to be straight up not speaking in certain places for more than a couple of months (like they won’t count the first few weeks in a new place because that can just be more normal shyness). So if that's the case, she probably has SM. If not, I wonder if she might have benefitted from

She's pretty adorable and knows her way around a light saber. Watch your back! :P

Oooo...this sucks.

I have never heard of codeine being used recreationally. I have a cupboard full of it. It upsets my tum tum.

My 4 year old told me she's going to marry Captain America and she wants to know where he lives.

While you are all celebrating, I had a brutally frustrating appointment with my family doc re: my kid. He doesn’t seem to trust our psychologist’s diagnosis. But he also has never even heard of selective mutism. I want to get her on Prozac. He’s referring me to pediatrician. There is no child psychiatrist. Well there

We already did Canada Day. The weather was garbage. It was a nothing of a day. I am not doing anything for the 4th. Obvs. Weather is still garbage or I might consider it to make up for the shit Canada Day.

Possible vague spoiler alert:

We already did that up here. :D

Someone on the main page is criticizing her for attending and I'm thinking you'd be crazy not to go just for this reason. So much fun to be had! And you get the inside dirt. And there must be alcohol. When I was working I got invites to political parties for people I reeeeeally didn't agree with. I always went. You

I did the same run away in my 20s and then assumed I was fine and it turns out I'm not fine but now I have a husband and a house and five pets and two children who depend on me. Wish I'd put the real work in too. :/

I just had a dream that I was in a local park with Eddie Redmayne and somebody lowered us a bottle of rum from a plane and we laughed and drank it and in my dream I thought “boy, do I ever have something huge to share on SNS tonight”.