
I'd give most other people the benefit of the autocorrect doubt, but no.

Cognitive dissidents. -1 point on your psych 101 final.

The croc thing confuses me as I have seen gator on many an American menu. They aren’t really the same, but let’s be honest - they are totally the same. Fucking death monsters. I’d eat them all if I could. Nom.*

I haaaaate watching. But my daughter loves it and she’s surprisingly skilled (husband and I are useless at sports so we don’t get it). I’ve found it’s actually fun to watch HER play. I suppose because I give a shit? So if she ends up on some minor or major team, maybe I will watch. And drink a lot to pass the time.

It can also just go rancid. Eww.

Now see her head is actually on the larger side. She’s like a lollipop with hair.

Not really. I mean she’s small for her age (she was growth restricted in utero and never caught up) and definitely has all her girl bits, so...I’m just more confused than anything else.

I know I shouldn’t respond, but this actually really funny. Like it’s the worst trolling I think I’ve ever seen. Am I supposed to be insulted? I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel right now.

It was either cecret or precent. Are you looking for miracles here?

This is all bullshit and I’m glad she will get a dress and I love her and everything about her.

No twin. I was just a big fan of Norse mythology and all things Viking as a kid and always loved the name and the ass-kickery. Then I married a guy of Swedish descent and he independently picked it out too. Meant to be. :P

One day Jen is going to give birth to an elderly man and then all the doubters are going to look soooo stupid.

This is more reassuring. Still scared. I trust nobody. :P

A friend described Brexit as the tide pulling out before the big wave crashed in. That pretty much sums up how I feel about the world right now.

Cant even wrap my mind around those last moments. :(

Omg. I will have to let my daughter Freja know about this. She is always mad that her name is never in songs.

Late night autocorrect? Are you breastfeeding and typing with one hand on your phone right now? :P

Yes, it's very different. The effects are not the same at all. I drank the odd glass of wine while breastfeeding (literally at that moment) and it was not a problem. Experts agree on this. Experts do not agree on cocaine use while breastfeeding. It is NOT the same.

The original of this bit of the song (while kind of - it was originally a French song):

Four Heathers at school is why I’m Heather Lee! But at least it’s my name! Lol. I think she took my mum’s name? I wish she was on tonight. She needs to comment more.