To the people who support Trump and will lose health care. . .
To the people who support Trump and will lose health care. . .
My first thought was: “Lord, I hope this doesn’t interfere too much with ‘Bitch Sesh’.”
Please do not assume that I haven’t seen Dial M for Murder. I even saw a restored 3D print once (what a treat). The problem with using it in this post instead of A Perfect Murder is that Ray Milland never says, “THAT’S NOT HAPPINESS TO SEE ME, IS IT.”
Wow. I think he illustrates perfectly where the motivation for these bills comes from; a hatred for women’s voices and choices and medical well-being that is based in hatred of women themselves.
Oh sweet Jesus. This show was bonkers last night.
I’m def one of the people who will be working, I just started a new low-wage job. I plan on participating by removing myself from the economy, no gas, no snacks, no lunch out etc. I really hope this is an impressive strike!
My hometown murder was featured in the last episode! I had no idea, found out on the train to work this morning. So proud :-)
I’m all man laughing alone with a poster of laughing women together about My Favorite Murder. I listen to it on my commutes and just relax almost to the point of bonelessness.
If Mexico stops allowing Americans into Mexico it may just help their tourism. The rest of the world would be stoked to be able to go on vacation and not be subjected to our loud, rude, entitled, food-shoveling, uncultured faces.
Allow me a brief moment of soapboxing-
My Trump-voting colleague has spent the last year interviewing and going through the motions to enroll in a particular federal job training program that would have guaranteed him a significantly higher salary and better benefits than our current job. Hebjust told me that he can’t get hired now because of Trump’s…
I’m listening to bitch sesh right now, so this is just doubling my pleasure.
White Man Upset That He Was Described As White Later Describes Child He Bought A Present For As Black
Malia and Sasha at the dinner. There is hope left in this world. Two, beautiful young black women with a future ahead of them.