I just want someone to take Sophie aside when she returns to the GOT set, and tell her “YOU CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER”.
I just want someone to take Sophie aside when she returns to the GOT set, and tell her “YOU CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER”.
Shit I think you might be right. NOOOOOOOOOO everything I thought I knew is a lie.
Someday, after I become ridiculously wealthy and successful, I will throw a fabulous annual holiday party called Fifth Christmas and only children whose parents are divorced will be allowed to come. And we will drink and be merry and bitch about our parents.
It is very upsetting that the same place that gives us Rick and Morty also has to give us this nonsense.
Get angry. Feel that anger. Keep it. Hold it tight. Never forget how it feels.
oboist Hailey
My wife and I recently lost our twin boys, Anton and Colin, at 20 weeks gestation. They were handsome, they were healthy, but my wife had an unforeseen and undiagnosed incompetent cervix despite being on bedrest for most of the 20 weeks, and we were advised that we need to deliver or we would lose three lives instead…
About five years ago, my husband Adam and I decided that it was finally time to start looking to purchase a house. We had always talked about buying an older, fixer upper home because we’ve had the idea that they hold more charm and character. Plus we can appreciate a place that has it’s own quirks and we love the…
There are over 2000 posts now! I’m going to add my story, though I doubt many of you will see it.
This is the second story I am sharing tonight. The other one got lost in the grays ( I have been looking for it because I have pictures to accompany the story that I forgot to attach when I posted)
Yayyyy my people are here! Byeeeeee.
Hi fellow Murderino!
The banhammer is gone, but your repetitive Donald Trump jokes are making me consider bringing it back.
Paul needs Mary to balance him. With her, he’s delightful. Without her he’ll just be an insufferable British douche with really spiky hair and a fake tan.
He just got married, and Richard and Chetna made the cakes! Except for the centerpiece, which Ian made. It was ... baked Alaska. Good on ya, mate!
Do try it! The nephew is quite liberal. Remember, she married into the family so how she thought she had priority over the name is beyond me! The nephew does wonderful, liberal commentary for the local NPR station and the brewery had its own garden for the restaurant, going local, years ago. Drink their beer and…
I’m not going to rebut each of your dumb bullet points one by one because who cares. Best of luck to you. Hope life never throws a flaming shitball right in the middle of your perfectly budgeted life.