
Go the economic strike route. No buying coffee in the morning, no going out to lunch or dinner. AND maybe explaining why she went to work, I think focusing on current examples of positive environments for women also helps the cause!

I would think you could support the strike by not buying anything. If you usually buy coffee in the morning, forgo that. If you often buy lunch, bring in your own that day ect..

Cicadas are the most terrifying, yet harmless creature. Flying at your face with those creepy eyes and huge wings. Nope.

As my patriotic duty, I will gladly take the amount of avocados it would take to build this stupid f’n wall. That’s gotta be like, what, 1 trillion avocados?

I know, xoVain was there to half fill the hole millihellen left in my heart.

She’s just getting ready for the Sarah Rose Cosmetics Mount Rose American Teen Princess Pageant

Part of me thinks he was a little afraid he was going to out someone if he answered without thinking. (Besides that awkward moment of naming Prince of course)

This was the live blogging adventure I didn’t know I needed. Godspeed!

I was an expat as a child in the 90s, my dad’s job sent him overseas for a few years. They moved us back in Oct, not a prime time to start a new school. It took my parents a month to even get our schooling figured out/situated. I feel for these families, both the parents and the kids.

I’m going to my local version of the march (yay!), anyone have any good suggestions on good signs?

This was the laugh I needed.

Thank you! So we aren’t all going crazy.

Thank you. THANK YOU! This spoke to my soul on so many levels.

I’ve been yelling “I made it nice” for months now, but I just watched the video and now I think she said “I did it nice” and I feel like I need to re-evaluate my entire life.

Can we have an open thread for ideas for witty signs to bring? Pussy grabs back just seems stale at this point 

I saw A Face in the Crowd a few months ago, I was amazed at how comparable it is to Trump’s rise to power. I’m still waiting for Trump’s own ‘hot mic’ downfall where he mocks every one who voted for him but then I realized, he already is and they’re just too clueluess to realize it. Sigh.

Whenever a coworker is putting too many flourishes on something, I can’t help but say: What are you going to do next, dip it in yogurt?

I’m giving myself 24 hrs to feel as hateful as the asshats who voted this sorry excuse for a human being into office.

I was wondering where the storyline could possibly go after they went on strike, but this looks really promising! I’ve missed Rodrigo, his braid, and Jai-alai