
Seconded! I can’t get properly creeped out in the dark when I’m too busy rolling my eyes at the same stupid comment.

When I see houses of this extravagance I can’t help but wonder how they keep all of that clean? Do their hired help use swifters like the rest of us plebs? Do they use clorox bath cleaner in the turkish bath?

Maybe my mind is just shot from the week, but who is Nikki Hayley supposed to be shading? Hillary?

Only Nadiya could best copy my facial expression upon hearing this news.

Oh my goodness, I love that a whole group of them were at Iain’s wedding. I love to think that the lot of them are friends in real life

The Trumps: giving the Hapsburgs a run for their money

I was lukewarm about Hillary, always had been although I did vote for her in the primaries. But last night, I sat sobbing on my couch as I realized how many things she has done for women and children over her career and how much this could mean for not only this country as a whole but also for my daughter.

When she mentioned something along the lines of her parents always allowing her to have her own opinions but that the had to be backed up with facts, I had a feeling that was a dig at the GOP too.

Oh definitely, from members of my parish who are Republicans because “pro-life” is the only issue they ever consider and then there are some of my liberal friends who don’t quite understand that most Catholics aren’t the Opus Dei variety.

I as relieved to know I am not alone, now to finish decorating my cubicle with pictures of Kaine.

Yes! Whenever somebody asks how I can be Catholic and a Democrat, I go back to my Jesuit taught motto: men and women for others. You can’t find any Republican policy or platform that helps to live out that statement. And Tim Kaine seems like he’s a perfect example

Whenever my husband or I ask one another: “how did that happen” about anything at all, the other always has to respond with “Acid?” That episode was probably my favorite

My sister in-law has had a new bf at every Thanksgiving over the past 6 years. Finally, after the second Todd came 3 years ago, I just refer to them as the years. “I’ll never forgive boyfriend 2011 for drinking the rest of the red wine”

I found out a few weeks ago that my husband’s cousins are auctioneers like this in rural Kansas. Now I have a strange urge to get him to reconnect with this long lost part of his family so we can start a record label....

I’m glad it’s not just me! I feel exactly like that meme, a needy girlfriend who is also trying to be cool so other moms will want to befriend me.

I want all of those suits. Why can’t I find any cute one pieces that don’t make me look like I’m on a swim team?

I used to listen to her back in highschool and on one show this woman called wanting to dedicate a song to her daughter who was now in a wheelchair due to a car accident. Delilah played “I Hope You Dance”. I felt some major secondhand embarrassment on that one.

Did anyone else catch Jamie say: “the things we do for love” which is what he said right before he pushed Bran out of the window? Edmure, you made the right choice dude, because he would have no qualms about that catapult threat.

I have always loved Rickman, and I just reread the chapters of Snape’s death and past memories last night so I feel like this is hitting me even harder than I imagined because I feel like I JUST spent time with him.

What hell? After debating certain theories about the Force Awakens, the first thing my husband and I agreed on was that Carrie Fisher aged best only after Chewbacca.