
I was so bummed he didn’t get an Emmy for it and I’m glad to see his name here, there is something about Mark Rylance’s performance in Wolf Half that is mesmerizing.

I agree, I’m not sure what it was exactly, but during the last 3 or so episodes of the season (obviously the last episode being the most intense) he really started to own his scenes. Hopefully it’ll carry on into the next season and he’ll get some recognition.

I think you’re missing the point. I’m not arguing that families with only one parent in the workforce do not exist. I’m arguing that the basis to having children shouldn’t be if you can afford it or not because of those millions of families, most either have a parent that makes more than the average american or takes

Good for those ‘plenty’ of families. I sure hope they are on the upper end of the middle class and don’t take any government subsidies or additional financial help because then the OP might deem them not worthy to have those kids.

Gotcha. So if one wants to have a child and isn’t part of the upper class in the US, one should just move to any of the other 100 countries that actually allow paid leave.

Damn I missed you Missy!!

I’m now at the stage in my pregnancy where baby is going all ‘Alien’ and I can see her movements on the outside. Which makes me wonder, how do women who don’t know they’re pregnant justify all that movement? Really crazy gas?

Each week I go through these, the more I am convinced that it was somebody working at a tabloid who first asked the infamous question: “How babby formed?”

When I went to vote yesterday I was only one of 3 people there and the youngest by about 55 years. All I could think was: man, good thing my state legislature has been working so hard to make sure there’s no voting fraud. Because God Forbid we make voting easier/more accessible to the general population.

Can you imagine Charlie even being asked to dressed in costume? His response would most likely be one of the glares he reserves for only when he’s most annoyed.

It happened again. I thought the title said RuPaul All Day live stream and I thought: TAKE MY MONEY, I don’t care how much of my life force it drains.

Yes! I seriously cannot stop listening to this soundtrack on repeat and I haven’t even seen it either. Also, goosebumps when I first listened to Dear Theodosia. Odom’s voice and songs almost make me a Burr sympathizer?

I think having to ‘break up’ with a friend is one of the hardest things to do. Sounds like you made the right decision though.

Stirrup leggings! I forgot how much I needed these in my life.

My roomates and I used to watch the shit out of their reality show in college with a bottle of Boone’s Farm. I’m pretty sure we even got a beta fish and named him Frankie

To the girl eating her ice cream instead of taking a picture of it: You keep doing you. I feel like you already have life figured out.

I was at a wedding earlier this month where my husband’s friend and wife brought their uninvited 19 month old who had an epic meltdown prior and DURING the vows, but for some reason they never took him out of the church.

Oh, totally, I definitely didn’t mean to insinuate you were like my crazy Aunt Jean. I think in most cases brides would be like: hell yeah, take them, I don’t need 15 of the same floral arrangement after tonight.

Scotland is still a part of Great Britain, so technically Connery is British as well.

We were charged extra for any vases we didn’t return to the florist, I’m not sure how common that is but it does make it a little awkward when you have to call your aunt the next day to see if she can drop off those 10 vases from the centerpieces she took because you don’t want to have to pay another $50.