
Really good PR, perhaps. But he also actually backs up his preaching with his actions (today’s example being spending his afternoon serving lunch to the homeless in DC) which is what I think makes me that much ‘cooler’.

Anyone have any good recs for foundation primers? I love Smashbox’s photo finish primer but holy makeup gods I hate spending that much.

I’m actually really sad Mark Rylance didn’t win for Wolf Hall. There is something about that man’s acting that is absolutely mesmerizing.

I was roomates with some shitty girls (pun intended) in college that once pooped in some grocery bags and then left them on one of the girl’s exbf’s porch.

So how long would you recommend a woman wait to take a pregnancy test? Since apparently that’s the only thing that makes miscarriages devastating? I mean, on one hand, I don’t mind giving up my wine for a week or two just to make sure I’m not actually pregnant while I wait for my uterus to make up its mind, but if I

Ah-ha! Thank you, that makes so much more sense.

I was a bit confused as to what the hell happened between George and Elizabeth? Did he always have a thing for her and I totally missed it or is he trying to screw over Frances?

I love lipstick but for some reason whatever color I pick, it ends up getting like an orange hue or too bright when I put it on my lips. Maybe I’m just weird or maybe I need to get better at picking out the colors? Anyone else have this problem?

I understand Ross felt the need to get drunk out of sadness for his friend, so does it make me a bad person if I kind of loved drunk Ross in this episode?

This whole thing just reminds me of what Sheriff Tate says to Atticus after he realises it was Boo that stabbed Ewell: “To my way of thinkin’, Mr. Finch, taking the one man who’s done you and this town a great service an‘ draggin’ him with his shy ways into the limelight—to me, that’s a sin. It’s a sin and I’m not

All I know is that this cover shows just how much better looking Henry Cavill is compared to Ben Affleck. Not like he needed any help. Team Wonder Woman and Superman I guess?

In LOVE with this show so far but I’m worried there will be a day my husband tears himself away from his phone during an episode and says: ‘wait a minute, are we just watching this so you can drool over Kili now that he’s shaved his face?’

I have such a crush on our regular waiter at our neighborhood bar. As a 30 yr old married woman, I was worried that this made me a weirdo. I’m so glad to know that this is still totally normal and I will continue to swoon over him after he gives me a beer recommendation. Until I find a flaw of course (so probably when

We got married in the city we currently live in, which is about a 5 hr drive/1 hour cheap flight from where we met and where my husband is from. At my father-in-law's constant insistence, my husband didn't invite any of his extended family (I'm talking, grandma, aunts and uncles) bc it was 'too far to ask people to

Now I really want some Mike and Ikes or Hot Tamales.

Yes! Those were my gateway drug to my obsession with history. I was a 10 year old expat in England when I picked up The Terrible Tudors and never looked back.

On a road trip last summer, I had to take a number 2 in some gas station. It was a single stall and I thought I was in the clear bc hardly anyone was in the station at the time. After I finished the deed, I opened the door thinking I could slink on out of there unnoticed, but there were two little amish girls waiting

I lived with 6 girls on one house for 2 years in college, 4 of which were self-absorbed brats who cared more about daddy's money. But my worst doesn't come from those girls. Oh no, I could easily deal with the crop of future Bravo TV Housewives.