I’ve heard it’s an essential addition to the Explosion Smash franchise, so at least your decision is not wrong.
I’ve heard it’s an essential addition to the Explosion Smash franchise, so at least your decision is not wrong.
I will never understand how anyone who professes to have a relationship with Jesus Christ is somehow fine with concentration camps on the US/Mexico border that is torturing children as we speak, but is convinced God wants them to start a holy war against Netflix for a show done by Amazon (showing just how much…
It’s been years since I watched it, so apologies if there’s anything problematic in it that I’ve blocked out, but I remember Mambo Italiano as being another funny, sweet gay rom-com with a happy ending.
Just on the off-chance you or anyone else liking your comment hasn’t watched it: I think you would like Schitt’s Creek too (airs on POP in the States). There is a lovely m/m romance in it and show creator Dan Levy (Eugene Levy’s son), who is gay himself, deliberately writes the show setting without homophobia…
It’s a travesty this list doesn’t include Schitt’s Creek’s David and [redacted]. One of the best, sweetest, funniest gay romances I’ve seen on television.
The “/s” points towards its being sarcasm. Unless it’s being used ironically or something, but I’m guessing it’s sarcasm in good faith.
Nice Guys are always heroes in their versions of events.
She did turn herself in to the TB, so I guess that was her way of apologizing.
Please tell me Mick’s not leaving the show. I don’t think I can handle that and evil Ray at the same time....
Oh Beebo, this made me snort. And is perfectly possible for Legends.
I would *love* for Adam Tsekhman to get to show his hotness on Legends. They could totally make fun of the “mousy girl to hot girl” trope with him.
Anybody want to talk about Pop’s Schitt’s Creek episode last night instead??
Also while I love all the queer & bisexual couples on the show I think it is okay if they have one straight couple
To the person whose mother always blesses them: I’d probably just say, “Love you too, Mom.”
Thank you for this nuanced take on wokeness! I shall strive to be a Rachel Maddow and not cross the line.
Or pull a Hedgehog Day and have no field, where the entire show takes place on the Waverider.
Only since Season 4. But if you like what you’re hearing, it’s worth your while to watch from Season 2* onwards. This show is insane in all the best possible ways.
Just wanted to write and say that my heart goes out to you and your dad, and I will be sending prayers/good vibes (your choice) your way for a little comfort every day as you work through this.
That’s pretty much where I am too. People make fun of the Arrowverse writing, and I understand why with all the CW tropes and stuff, but I honestly think the Legends writers do it as well as anyone. They may miss some plot details and mess up a few science things, but they get the characters as loveable and believable…
Wow. High school kids organizing to save themselves from gunfire assault because the adults won’t do it for them.