Nuns With Guns

I loved ModCloth until my spouse started working in their Pittsburgh fulfillment center. Their labor practices have been a huge turnoff, especially for a company that presents itself as inclusive and “feminist” (I guess whatever that could mean in capitalist terms.) A year or two ago, they were boasting that their

And so, on Day 1,000 of his presidency, that is where things stand between Mr. Trump and Ms. Pelosi, who have a fraught history of derailing meetings shortly after pledging to work together, including one in January, when the president abruptly stood up, said “bye bye,” and stormed out. A meeting in May basically

It’s Rick Owens, but bad.

So you used an acronym TERF in the title and body of this post but never explain what TERF stands for? How did this get past your editor?

This comment took me on quite a journey.

Popular transgender comedian, activist, and actress- Daphne Dorman,
-dies of suicide.

This story does sound bizarre. If you’re going to do all that weird shit to your apartment, why wouldn’t you pay your rent on time?

In fact, I would say that would be the most satisfying way to grind one’s axe.

Also, Oppenheim acts like those two things are mutually exclusive. One can uncover truth and expose wrongdoing while grinding an axe. In fact, I would say that would be the most satisfying way to grind one’s axe.

Yeah I was a little bummed I had to read so far down to find out why she was “really” being evicted. I mean seems to be like her living situation was completely hinging on her landlords good will, and that ran out. I mean based on how things sound, she is going to fall up from this situation with her gofundme.

It’s almost like someone with an over the top custom apartment took advantage of their landlord’s patience and their patience ran out. 

This isn’t a lululemon issue; it’s a clothing industry issue. 

If you are pricing out a moat full of alligators and/or snakes for your boss it’s time to sit down and reevaluate your life.

With all the blatant racism and cruelty, one can almost overlook the sexism.

He couldn’t even get dogs, or bees, or dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark they shoot bees at you. 

White House aides apparently looked into a cost estimate for a trench alongside the border wall filled with snakes or alligators”

I read your comment and thought of this:

Is that his cousin's name?