Nuns With Guns

Why? He’s owning his behaviour and acknowledging that not only is it not ok now, it was not ok then either. He behaved like an ass and I’m glad he’s out but I’m fine with what he said. People don’t always have to be that asshole who’s never happy with an apology/acknowledgement. 

Never underestimate how much the mere acknowledgement of structural racism makes a lot of otherwise well-meaning people uncomfortable.

Easy: my mother and people like her.

No joke Whenever I leave the house for a little while and leave the TV on for my dog right before Chuck Todd or Chris Matthews comes I always come back to CSPAN- she legit changes the channel whenever they come on

Mfw Gwyneth Paltrow doesn’t think I’m a grownup:

“How the Hell Did BTS Perform in an Empty Grand Central Station?”

Frankly, even if he DOES need the walker, and have chest pains, and is going blind, so what? Bad people get old, too. Exactly what level of physical ill health should exempt you from responsibility for sex crimes?

You can when it’s a rich and powerful white man.

The youts don’t seem to have discovered the Google. 

Chuck Todd and Chris Mathews need to lay off the Nazi comparisons of a Presidential candidate that lost family in the holocaust. 

I love the fit of stretch jeans. I do not love the sweat factor of cotton/spandex blends.

I love the fit of stretch jeans. I do not love the sweat factor of cotton/spandex blends.

THIS!!!! The seats recline! Don’t be angry at someone who uses the built in feature!

THANK YOU! I cannot fathom why this physically aggressive behavior is ok to so many people.  

Pretty furious that there are still people saying that the woman was in the wrong for that seat incident. First of all, she did have a disability (fused neck), but besides that, she paid for and selected a seat that reclines. She’s allowed to use it, full stop. If you’re mad, be mad at the airline that keeps squeezing

I was 13 years old in 2001 so you tell me which of those trendy fashions was the worst:

I know this sounds too hyperbolic taken on its face, but I do think it’s something that should be said and considered: to some extent, organisations like Jezebel are continuing, and furthering, the abuse that people have suffered when they insist to us that they are notable first and foremost for their victimhood.

I see this comment as so very important:


It’s one thing to see the misleading NTY’s tweet misquoting him and then firing off angry reactionary tweets, but it’s another to have the full context of his statement and still decide to sit down and write about it and pretend he said something he never said.

this is fucking beautiful.