Nuns With Guns

It’s all relative.

This all day. It is also worth remembering that ‘moderate’ in the USA = right wing in the rest of the Western world. You guys have some catching up to do. I am terrified for what will happen to the world if progressives don't vote en masse in your next election. Fucking terrified, man.

Thank you, this confused me too.

As long as you can eat pussy/suck dick like a champ, a small peen isn’t a big deal.

Seconded. Michael Kors/Tory Burch/Kate Spade = I judge thee.

Lord Jesus please tell us about that Ralph Lauren situation...

Nah, the clothing that gets produced for wholesale/retail is for the masses. Catwalk is about brand vision.

Read the NY Times article.

It’s $15.75 now :) heading towards $20 with our newly elected govt! (though who knows if they will follow through with that particular campaign promise).

I’m from NZ & have never heard this euphemism but that is some funny shit <3. I wonder if ‘growler’ is a regional thing. Either way, thanks for the lol!

We (NZ) have the highest rate of youth suicide in the developed world, and 1/3 of kids are living in poverty. It isn’t paradise.

DKNY with the Public School dudes at the helm was awesome!

False rape accusations are very, very rare.

You have no ‘extreme left’ equivalent to your extreme right.

That claim from Isis has been debunked. He had no religion.

Jesus :/

Ever heard the phrase “the personal is political”? Family doesn’t exist in a vacuum.

Even the US version of ‘left’ = hard right. You guys need to get it together.

2 pounds cheaper per square metre, according to the Guardian :(

The cladding they used was 2 pounds cheaper per sq metre cheaper than a less flammable option.