Nuns With Guns

The Center for American Progress is a “centrist” organization primarily funded by monied interests and the ThinkProgress site is one of the few productive and progressive things they have accomplished. What is called “centrism” here is right wing in every other part of the world.

The worst part about the “dancer” tweet is you know he meant “Flamingo Dancer”

“I used to be with it! Then they changed what it was! Now what’s it is loud and confusing. It will happen to youuuuuuu."

Oh, yeah.... only during cleaning....I totally don’t do that every day of my life... *shifty eyes*

This stupid fucking Stewart column is the epitome of burying the lede. If your interview subject WANTS to talk about his crimes - the thing that he is most notorious for - why the FUCK would you keep veering away? Even if it’s just on background and you feel queasy about violating that agreement (which, please)...

I hope they bring body sniffing dogs. 

“We’ve inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump.”

There’s no nutrients there

I watch YouTube every night after I get in bed but before going to sleep. But I watch, like, music videos and stand-up comedians and highlights of old sitcoms and shit. I feel very happy knowing I am ignorant of all this shit.

I earnestly approached this article with the intent on learning, but I lost it at “cloutrimony”. I’m sorry they made you do this.

All this talk of Epstein and Bar is very tiring.

Comic Sans?

The whole article is worth a read, but here’s my favorite/dear lord help us all moment. After going on and on about how his appearance is keeping him from attracting the women he so deserves, Truth4Lies then drops this little nugget on us:

There’s some video of him in a fitting for this, and it’s wonderful: the first time he spreads those wings and the full theatre is revealed, he laughs with joy. As one would. (Also it’s custom Iris Van Herpen- *swoon*!)

The only thing I can think of:

Nobody tell this bigmouthed asshole that the SDNY and NY State AG are still after him.  Let him run his mouth.  Also, Nadler is calling in Barr to testify about this shit.  Two days after a two year report, the DOJ determines there was “no obstruction?” I think not.

It’s beginning to sink in with my friends, having just woken up. They’re kind of free-association texting me. I don’t think that a lot of Americans understand that in terms of percentage of the population directly impacted by deaths, this is the same scale at 9/11.

Wait...someone described Michael Cohen as a man “with no reason to lie or obfuscate”, and Don Jr. retweeted it? How are these people so fucking bad at this?

Now playing

That was even the plot of an episode of “Better Off Ted”.