Nuns With Guns

You know, with this comment, and another comment she made about Harvey Weinstein in the mid 90s, I say we should just start asking Courtney Love about all sorts of famous dudes, and see what she says.

Maynard James has assured me that it is not actually Tool hair.

Excuse me? this is tool hair

“Christ ugh igh ugh Mandy Moore ick. The thought of her sticking her tongue down that filthy hatch. I might as well go watch Hostel. Smelly ass, ick. I LOATHE that guy.”

He is a forty-four year old man with bangs in his eyes. Of course he is a tool. That’s tool-hair. Ask around.

“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.”


Leslie Knope Amy Poehler had the very best responses to some bullshit magazine interview, because they were trying to get her to do this fluff bullshit and she was not having it:

Not at all. I buy almost only designer items and, unless you’re a fan of the designer or really into fashion, you’d never be able to tell. Not a single logo on me. (except for Margiela’s stitches but you’d never know what those are or care if you saw them and neither would most people)  

why is the film’s climax MBJ’s character losing a fight?”

Part of writing about popular culture is recognizing that it’s often referencing other work, in this case, 1976's iconic, Oscar-winning “Rocky.” Rocky lost the fight at the end of the movie. If you are going to be a pop culture writer, you need to become more

Perfect deployment of Tammy 2.  Kudos.

Everything should be measured on a Sarah Connor Scale.

Don’t you have to at least mention that Beto’s Foss bandmate was Cedric Bixler-Zavala from At the Drive-in/Mars Volta? 

“I live so low in life that no matter who’s elected to do what, none of it’s gonna trickle down to me,” Goretooth said.

What at total piece of fucking shit. This is what privilege looks like: not voting because you’re reasonably certain you’ll be unaffected regardless of who wins—everyone else be damned.

isn’t really plausible.

“fiscally conservative, socially liberal”

My son tried something similar with me 2 weeks ago when he didn’t want to finish getting ready to leave for school in the morning: ‘I don’t want to wear those shoes to school today! Kids say they’re gay.’ Upon pressing him for more detailed information (I’m a Mom, not a reporter; everyone knows moms get to the bottom