
“I’m all for it. I’m all for it. I mean, I’m obviously not going to do that myself, but yeah, that should totally happen.”

Smoking doesn’t kill people. Blackened lungs kill people.

“I truly believe in cameras because the camera caught everything,” East Harlem resident Nancy Vega told CBS. “People need to know because the word has to get out. You know, any woman should feel comfortable walking down the street.”

Who are these people who WATCH Sandusky molest or rape a child and do nothing? I’m not talking about not saying anything to save your job. I’m saying in that moment, wouldn’t your instinct be to murder the molester? I don’t know who the other coaches are, but McQueary is married with a young child. I just can’t

In her defense, she appears to be dumb in general, not just on this issue.

Gender, race and class have so much to do with the charges brought and the sentencing. These parents in Detroit were sleeping when, about 10am, their toddlers left the house, climbed the neighbor’s fence, climbed a ladder to the above-ground pool, and the little girl got into the pool and drowned. The parents are

I knew about labor laws...but I also knew I needed to pay my mortgage.

On the plus side, you didn’t have to listen to Moby.

You can eat grilled crocodile at the Taste of Chicago next week, Debra.

It’s the internet—everything is everyone’s business.

Wait, if they are just ‘eggs’ they are not yet fertilized right? Who will be the dead lady’s partner in parenthood?

Ah, yes. Like my neighbors who named their daughter Ophelia.

My mom’s had Alzheimer’s for more than 5 years and it’s been heartbreaking and hell and that’s why I think it’s okay that I found this line from that story amusing:

Yeah, parents don’t seem to realize that “don’t put me in a home!” means “please put your life on hold and care for me for the next 10 years.” Your dad and his sister are lucky to have each other to rely on.

The ‘cheating’ allegations remind me of Diana Nyad’s successful swim from Cuba to Florida (at age 64!), when the immediate story after she finished were allegations that she cheated (she did not). But it dominated how the NYT and other papers covered the story. It made me so mad! Some haters really learned a lot from

The decision will be appealed.

He told a joke to a comedian? I don’t stroll up to RBG and tell her the decision I made about what to eat for dinner.

So frequently these stories include an “explanation” of why the man killed his wife or girlfriend: she left him, she was filing for divorce, she started dating someone else, whatever. I get that people want to understand why a horrible thing happened, but we need to push back against this “it was because she did x”

My heart goes out to Elizabeth and thank you thank you so much for sharing your story. A friend of mine had to go through labor with a baby that died 3 days before its due date, and it’s so difficult to be in the same wing of the hospital as happy people.