
“It is not a man who is running with two healthy legs who wants to protect his girlfriend.”

I found some here. It makes me sick to read them—he has so many excuses for being controlling! Surprise surprise.

The hardest thing to accept about having a manipulative person in your life is that you can never never convince other people that that ‘charmer’ is actually a lying monster.

I have always sought to put the University’s needs ahead of basic human decency.

Oddly enough, that exception exists for people applying to enter the country or apply for LPR status (where the question is ‘are you admissible?’ or in immigration-speak, ‘are you not inadmissible?’), but the exception does not exist for LPRs (where the question is ‘are you removable?’). I’m not sure what the

Thanks for your reply. I won’t do another 1000 word treatise, but I’ll just point out that like I said above, LPRs can be deported for CIMTs, which include shoplifting.

But it makes sense that “noncitizen” is unspecific because immigration is so complex. People who use words like “illegals” want others to think that it’s easy to identify people who are not lawfully present, but it’s not.

I thought they had the kid to win a fight over a will?

The defendant’s attorney, Shannon McMurray said:

Can we start a gofundme for a translady to catfish* him into a date?

Maybe if they sent their memo only to “talent” no one gave Curt a copy?

I remember watching The Jackie Robinson Story (starring Jackie Robinson!) on tv when I was a kid. After their wedding, he and his wife get on a bus and have to sit in the back. It was like a punch in the gut for a little kid.

The woman’s god-awful housemates, who called the cops because she ‘wasn’t sorry’ about the abortion, are now upset that they are being vilified on social media. This blog post explains where they can shove that:…

Team Riley Curry 4EVAH!!!

I can do one, but only for a few seconds because it feels like the entire weight of my body is compressing my neck, and I’m pretty sure that’s not how it’s supposed to feel?

Prosecutor Alaleh Kianerci during closing arguments: “He may not look like a rapist...”

Geez, me and my brother don’t even talk, much less plan something together.

He looks like an 8 year old to me. (I just directed the question to you because you said you’re a high school teacher.)

I eat so much more than that just to have the stamina to sit at my desk all day.

Is that how tall 14-year-olds are now? Did they not let him eat at the clubhouse?