
Exactly. LaRoche even joked about how bad he is in his pro-Drake statement:


Well this senior immigration judge said that 3- and 4-year-olds can be taught to represent themselves in deportation proceedings, so really military training is just the next step.

At least Cruz was honest. Hillary isn’t telling this little girl anything.

This sounds...illegal...

They’ll all be replaced by DJ 3000:

I hope the guy in the Underoos got out okay.

In Illinois, a cop raped a teenager, and the cop barely missed a day of work. No criminal trial. The town’s mayor said the teen ‘seduced’ the cop. Stunningly, the previous year a different cop raped a woman in that town, and there were no criminal charges. It’s almost like a pattern...

Serious question: Why does the Clinton campaign think that Bill campaigning will help them? Are there people lining up to hear him speak?

I always eat lunch at my desk, and I read that that makes the keyboard (and mouse) Germ Central. I try to be vigilant with the Lysol, or, you know, not eat with my fingers.

I do take off my shoes when I enter my apartment, but I just got a dog who immediately runs all over the carpet when he enters, so I guess I wasted years of shoe-off/shoe-on time.

The town’s public library does not have any copies of I Am Jazz (as far as I can tell). I set up a Wish List on amazon to send them some, in support of Jazz and the trans* student at the school! You can find the wish list here:

Is that you, Mom?

I didn’t have great answers for her...

Previous “investigations” by Lisa Friel have been called “short on facts” and long on PR, which is probably why the NFL hired her. In addition:

“While we did not have had access to the photos that became public today, we were and are aware of the serious nature of this incident. We as an organization do not take this very seriously. We do not condone domestic violence. We entered into the agreement with Greg fully understanding that there would be scrutiny

“Smear”? A smear is when you try to damage someone’s reputation by FALSE accusations. You think he really didn’t hurt her? Jesus Christ.

I feel like I would be a much happier person if I could reach his Zen level of indifference to how others think of him. He should bottle that and sell it.

Michael: Since when are you against leather?

You might have a chance if you roll up with a buttermilk pie from Miss Lee’s Good Food. I mean, you would definitely have a chance at my cookout.