
“Teodora’s tragic story is a sad illustration of everything that is wrong with the justice system in El Salvador,...”

Buster finally found a job, huh?

I had a sister with a condition not unlike the scarier end of Zika. It was horrifying, it destroyed my mother, and the end was a relief. I wouldn’t wish either the condition or caring for a child with it on anyone EXCEPT a conservative politician.

Friend, please read up on the origins of law enforcement agencies in the states. They were slavecatchers. The institution of law enforcement was *designed* to do exactly what it’s doing: maintain White supremacy. When it became socially unacceptable to do it outright, laws and language changed to give policing a

Birmingham swooping in for the save. I felt tears in my eyes when I saw it.

But certain parts of Kamala Harris’s political résumé have led to skepticism from the left. As California’s Attorney General, with responsibilities for overseeing the second largest prison population [9] in the country, Harris’s professional obligation to put people behind bars was seen as being [10] in direct

I still contend that Bernie message would have resonated ACROSS the Democratic party spectrum with the strength of the nomination behind him. Look at what he accomplished being a relative unknown AGAINST everything Hillary had going for her.

What he’s done since: championed the war on drugs, was one of the principal authors of the godawful 1994 Crime Bill (including, to be fair, the one good part: the Violence Against Women Act, but also the utterly terrible other parts), voted several times to ban the ol’ conservative bugbear of “partial birth” abortion,

Oh, please. “Lesser evil” comments like yours are exactly why the Democratic party (and bipartisanism in general) is dead in the water right now. We already played and lost this game in 2016. Nobody is owed a vote; politicians EARN votes. Running a weak candidate with obvious vulnerabilities is a losing strategy for

Not really. Democrats overwhelmingly have a positive view of Bernie when polled. Only something like 8% of them really hate him.

Slightly better than Trump cannot be our metric in the primaries.

“Yeah, we’d all vote for him over Trump. But that’s a low bar.”

“but look at what he’s done since then.”

I overheard a conversation suggesting Rahm Emanuel and almost spat out my orange juice

And the ultimate gag, Democrats will either choose this guy or Corey Booker to represent the party in 2020 because of the epidemic of woven pink hats constricting heads in such a way they reset people’s memories every four years.

I think Kerrigan was the first time I bristled against the phony sports narrative spinning that always surrounds the Olympics especially. The “privileged, white America’s sweetheart” angle and the “having to overcome her mother’s bad night vision or toenail fungus” or whatever Lifetime movie of the week crap they

I’m an Oksana.

Nobody deserves what happened to her, but Nancy was a fucking spoiled brat asshole. I don’t know why anybody was a fan, and I especially don’t know how anyone can still be one with everything that has been revealed. Tonya had a super shitty childhood and was treated incredibly poorly by the people on the skating

It breaks my heart when women talk about how they never came forward about the sex abuse they experienced as children/teenagers because they weren’t model citizens in life - as if those extremely fucked up experiences didn’t have any part in making a “normal” life more achievable for them. Maybe you weren’t an angel,